Chapter 2 ~. -The Reaping-

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 ...5 Minutes before the Reaping...

Twilights legs started shaking. She had no idea why though. She wasn't nervous...she knew from her heart she wouldn't get picked but something from the very back of her brain was screaming at her to run away as fast as she could and get a far as you possibly could... 

"It’s been going on for 50 years. I'm not going to get picked. I'm not going to get picked..." She mumbled to herself as she got blood taken from her to register her onto the system. 

A middle-aged mare was sitting across the desk where Twilight rested her hoof upon as she removed the needle and inserted the blood into a hoof-held machine 

"Twilight Sparkle......" She said with a harsh voice as she sneered at Twilight 

"Go right in," she said as twilight removed her hoof and made her way towards the stage which towered above her.....Was it that high before? Twilight asked herself taking deep breaths of air as her legs started shaking even more. Twilight began to move forward and found a place for mares in her age group. All the groups were separated by age and gender groups....that’s how the reaping worked. As more ponies began to join twilight she gave them nervous smiles but the other ponies just glared at her...She had no need to worry... 

Suddenly a mare walked onto the stage. She stood in front of the microphone that stood in the middle of the stage and grinned 

"WELCOME! TO THE 50TH PONY GAMES!" She said it like they were celebrating a birthday or something... 

"Today we will choose one young mare and one young stallion for the honour of representing the district of Magic in the 50th pony games" The mare continued "but first we will watch a special video straight from the capitol!" She said cheerfully clapping her hooves as she walked of the stage. Suddenly the screen behind her lit up with the words 'THIS MESSAGE HAS BEEN APPROVED BY THE GOVERMENT OF THE CAPITOL'  The message then disappeared and to twilights shock Celestia came up to the screen.

"Princess Celestia was the former ruler of this land," announced a deep voice..." She was a loving princess, a caring princess, a princess that would never abandon her subjects" Twilight’s stomach turned, she didn't really like how this was going... “But then​ she betrayed the ones that trusted her….she betrayed you, her precious subjects….you…she was a coward…who didn’t want to punish ponies that did wrong? We wanted new laws, new buildings, new everything, we told her things would go out of control, she didn’t listen to us…and eventually they did….BUT WHAT DID SHE DO WHEN ALL THE CHAOS STARTED? SHE JUST LEFT…. She abandoned you and left you…we offered you a new fresh life and to fight back but no….you just pushed the offer aside”

A picture of twilight popped up which made her heart skip a beat…

“ her elements of harmony stopped us from helping you! They rallied you all up! You sacrificed your friends and families to try and stop us from helping you…Their revolution failed, and they now live among you…and to mark this revolution they will pay the price for this disaster! So they pony Games were created…” he continued on...

Twilight’s stomach kept on churning as a deep anger inside her started to bubble up and grow…

“One young mare and one young stallion will compete to bring honour to their district and will be crowned the winner of the 50th Pony Games!” 

The next picture that flashed up was a pony standing on a stage with a crown on her head. Twilight was about to call out that all of it were lies but the mare walked back up onto the stage again but this time she wasn’t alone…

One mare stood to her right and one stallion to her left, each had a bowls of paper in front of them…

“Now it’s time to pick one young mare and one young stallion to compete in this momentous event!” The mare exclaimed, as she beckoned the mare to her right to pick a name from the ball…

“LADIES FIRST! AS ALWAYS!” she said as she smirked towards me…

“Its fine it’s been going on for 50 years. I’m not going to get picked…” Twilight mumbled to herself again… The mare took a deep breath and said “The Mare that will take part in this year’s pony games is….” She said slowly….As Twilight could hear all the ponies around her tense up….

“Its fine it’s been going on for 50 years, it’s fine…” she mumbled the comforting thought again…

~The Pony Games~ (Fanfic Crossover Between The Hunger Games and My Little PonyWhere stories live. Discover now