Meeting him

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Sabryna's P.O.V
Hi my name is Sabryna Dereks. I'm 16 years old and I'm your typical teenager. It's all about food, social media, good grades and friends especially my best friend Calaci-ann Errols like Ikr her name weird as if. So that's basically it. I walk to the kitchen after my morning's routine. I get myself a slice of toast with some orange juice....... After breakfast I head back up stairs to get ready for school. I love school it isn't all that fun, I just love being around my friends. So I throw on some black sweats with a white V-neck shirt and some black converse with white lace. I put my iPhone 6s in my pocket and grab my bag  and went off to school. Just like any other day the hallways we're crowded with students all from different groups. I make my way to my locker where I see Laci waiting for me. Laci, "Hey Bae, wassup. " I replied, "Nothing much Boo, you ok. " Laci answers, "Yea hun. " Before I could say anything else she was being pulled away by her boyfriend Jaxson Taylor. She mouthed a sorry, I just shrugged her off. After getting what I needed for my first period I head off to class which was my favorite.... English language with Mrs France. She's such a kind hearted woman and an amazing teacher. I arrive at class spotting the schools whore Jessica Thorne sitting at my desk flirting.. scratch that trying to flirt with the most hottest guy in the entire Kalaski high school....Kamal Dawson. I calmly approach them and kindly ask Jess 'I'm a whore ca' to move but she just huff and continued trying to flirt with Kamal who is looking at everything and anything but Jessica. Wait✋ since when is Kamal in English language. I shook it off but still curious. I cleared my throat trying to get Jessica's attention which I did. I said, "Please get outta my seat I don't want to risk catching any STDS from you. " She scoffed but got up and went to her own seat. I took out a wipes from my bag pack and wipe my desk and chair Std free... After doing so Mrs France finally came to class... But what she said shocked me..
Mrs France, " Good morning class I'm going to pair you all according to your last names to work on a graded assignment, So Allen with Adams, Bryce with Braxton, Collins with Crews, Dereks with Dawson I literally froze on spot I didn't hear anything else. I was knocked out of my trance when we were handed the assignment and told that it was to be done together but the best part is it is due at the end of the week and it's only Monday. Kamal moved closer to me and whispered, "Hi beautiful, What's your name. " I felt my cheeks heat up. I Stammered, "Sa.... Sabryna. " I mentally face palmed myself. Thankful class ended. Kamal ask for my number so he could tell me when he's free. It was now lunch break so I headed to the cafeteria to buy some food and hang with my friends. After lunch I went to my locker and got my items for my second and third period which were Math ugh and Entrep. After school I bid goodbye to my friends and head for the Corner Cafe which is 5mins away from school and 10 mins away from home. After picking up a latte I head home it was about  2 pm so I decided to go hang in the park for a bit.................... 25mins later I slowly walked home when I arrived it was 2:35  so I crashed on the couch and went on instagram.. I felt my eye lids getting heavy so I went upstairs to my bedroom and and fell face first on the bed I was about to fall asleep when my phone buzzed
Unknown number: "Hi beautiful😍💓 wassup?? "
Me: "What do you want Kamal??
I saved his number as the bad boy ❤❤
The bad boy❤❤:  Just want to ask if you'd like to work on the assignment at the Corner Cafe tomorrow at 10am sharp??
Me: Oh... Wait ✋lemme see if I can squeeze you into my business schedule😊
The badboy ❤❤: Lol really princess👸👑 ❤
Me:  Yea sure 10am sharp it is then 👍👍
The badboy ❤❤: ok see ya later babyface😙
I close the chat and went straight to bed

A/N I know it's probably boring but it's my first time writing so I kinda need y'all to help me...tell me what y'all like and I'll write it.
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Love: Tkai101❤
(Sabryna in media)

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