Chapter 6: The Talk (-Edited-)

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The next morning Bill woke up to see the bright light he turned off last night on. It was hinting down in his face and he could see that the yellow force was up once again. He got up and saw Ford writing some stuff down on some papers seated at his desk.

"So is this your plan? Lock me up and hope that I die of boredom?" Bill said this a sharp edge to his voice.

Ford sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose. "And I thought the peace here would never stop... good morning Bill, hope you slept well." Ford said calmly to the confused Bill.

"Your being weird... and weirder than usual- also, if I were you I wouldn't say good morning to the person who almost caused the end of your world." Bill said this as he rubbed his hand. Did they hurt like this before? As he rubbed them he sound out that those pink faint lines were no longer faint. They looked as if there cuts there that had healed. 'Weird— Wait, I didn't go to sleep... so how did I wake up?' The thought swirled in his mind.

"Yes you are correct, saying good morning to you does seem a bit odd- but I do want to get on your good side however." Ford's pen moved faster than he talked. Writing down what Bill assumes to be noted and pictures.

"Okay so I definitely know that your going to kill me. It's absolutely positive."

"How do know that?"

"Because your over here doodling and saying, 'ohhhhh, But I just want to get on your good side!'" Said said mocking Ford's voice making it sound like an goofy on crack.

"Well Bill, I unfortunately am not going to kill you. I actually need you alive for something... I know- shocking." Ford said without even looking at Bill.

Bill was to offended to even speak. 'How dare he!?' His mind Shouted at him to do something but...he didn't- All Bill did was watch the human in curiosity. "How odd..." Bill muttered quietly. Shaking his head Bill thought about that odd voice... "Ugh- who was it?..."

"Who was what?" Asked Ford.

Oh no... he said that out loud... "No one- I just thinking of the Nightmare Realm again..." Bill lies and was hoping Ford would buy it.. to his luck ford just nodded his head and with on last glance he went back to work.

After a few hours Ford checked his watch and saw that it was now 9:00 A.M 'huh, guess we did wake up early.' He thought. "Okay Bill, I'm heading up stairs and you are going to stay down here-" he stopped speaking when he saw Bill just laying there upside down on the blonds new bed.

"Okay Whatever... just leave." Bill said waving his hand lazily.

"Okay then fine." Ford said getting up from his chair and heading up the elevator. Ford ascended up through the floors of the building until he was on the gift shop floor. He opened the door and looked for Dipper.

While on his search he ran into Mable. "Oh hello Grunkle Ford! What's up?" The cheerful girl asked. "Nothing much, you?"

"Oh you know, dumb Dip is just in his room reading books and I was about to start making....Mabel Cakes!" She said throwing her arms in the air. "What are you doing up so early?" She asked while walking up to the kitchen.

He shrugged his shoulders and said he just woke up, he also asked her if he could talk to Dipper. He walked up the stairs and knocked on Dippers door. "Dipper, may I come in?" He asked through the wood.


The voice was muffled- The door opened to revel a already dressed Dipper. "What's up?"

"I have something to tell you."

"Uh, sure..." Dipper said closure the door so Mable could hear. "What is it...?"

"I found Bill."


"Shh... he was in a tree but I dragged him down to the basement." Ford said shushing Dipper.

Dipper took on a face if confusion. "What do you mean he was in a tree..?" The teen said. "I mean he was on the branch and somehow new I was walking behind him. Anyways I have him down in the basement." Ford said. He then explained to Dipper the new information he gathered on the demon.

With Bill in the basement—

The blond hummed as he made shapes on the wall. "Well this is boring... maybe I should try contacting that voice..." he said to himself. "Uh- Hello? Mystery voice, ya' there??" He said to the ceiling. He jerked his head to the bathroom handle. It moved.

"Great! Now I'm roommates with a ghost!!" He shouted angrily.

'"Greeting young one! So glad you contacted me."' The voice said echoing through Bills 'room'.

"Ahh—! I mean uh.... *ahem* you don't scare me! I'm the all powerful Bill Cipher! So Ha-" Bill said standing triumphantly with a hand over his 'heart'.

"'Mhm... indeed you are. But I must digress- you are only second on the chart.'" The voice said. Even though Bill couldn't see it he new that whatever it was, was mocking him.

"How dare you!" Bill said.

"Bill who are you talking to?" Ford said switching the wall of so he could see Bill. The demon turned around with his hand still pointing at the ceiling. "I- uh— who are you talking to?!" Bill said moving his arm so he was pointing at Ford.

"Uh... you...?" Ford said. 'He might have went crazy in there... what I was on,y gone for 30 minutes..' the scientist thought.

"E-exactly!" The blond said pouting like a child. "Oh- and Fordsy, I went crazy a loooooong time ago.." bill said. Ford only hummed in response. "So this is Bill?" A voice said walking closer.

Dipper was there, he adjusted his glasses and put his hands on his hips. "He doesn't look dangerous to me.." the brunette said raising a brow. "That's because he's behind that shield." Ford said turning off the yellow field.

Bill saw an chance and ran for freedom, but Ford clicked a button and the shield was up again. Bill smash his own face in the shield and then got electricity energy pushing him back. "Wha— Hey!" He shouted rubbing his face, "that hurt!"

"Whahhehahhwhah....!" Ford was beyond confused and impatient. (That um "Whahhehahhwhah...!" Was Ford.)

"What-?" Bill started but ford cut him off. "Ohhh no! Bill don't start okay? Dippers just down here to talk. He'd like to see what we're- I'm dealing with." Ford said.

"Ya. And to be pretty honest- you don't look scary to me." Dipper said looking smug. Finally that demon was where he belonged. (Yes.. he belongs with Ford—)

"Whatever." Bill said crossing his arms. "If you guys are done gossiping about me like little girls I rather you leave. And be sure to shut the wall on your way out. See what I did there haha. Wall- shut- pfft!!"

While Bill laughed at his own joke Ford and Dipper went in the elevator. Bill saw complete darkness. So he turned on the light.

"Dipper, I wouldn't tease Bill or whatever your doing. He could be very dangerous in this form he has taken." StanFord said looking behind him making sure the elevator door was shut. "I know Grunkle Ford, but I can't help it. He deserves it." Dipper said raising his voice a bit on the last statement.

"I know but I have no idea what he's capable of in his form. I have seen little things like blood and claws, but not the power he can conjure. So please be careful— and never go in there alone." He warned. "Of course Grunkle Ford."

This took forever but it's finally out. Phew!


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 09, 2019 ⏰

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(-UNDER EDITING-)  What A Friend To Love ( Bill x Ford )Where stories live. Discover now