Prologue: Blessing from Heaven

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DISCLAIMER: Death Note and its characters belong to Ohba Tsugumi and Obata Takeshi. This is a fan fiction based on their world.

 I will upload the first part of "Chapter 1: L" when I reach 20 reads and 2 votes. Please help me reach this goal! <3

 Kimmy (AKA DarthKemberli)



It came on a stormy night, the kind of night that would make one truly believe that hell had been unleashed on earth.

Thunder exploded so loud that the girl thought she'd only imagined the light thunk on her bedroom balcony.

She'd been researching the Son of Sam, reading heavy books from the library and following links on the Internet. She'd been so engrossed in her self-appointed work that she'd lost all awareness of the raging storm outside. But that small little wet thunk outside her window... That had made her lift her head.

The girl listened. The rain hammered against the roof. Streaks of lightning split the sky into jagged halves. Nothing hinted to anything out of the ordinary - apart from the storm so relentless it was like the Greek deities of old had suddenly been revived. And yet, the girl sensed that something had happened. Something that would change her life.

The girl carefully marked her page in the "Study of Psychopathic Personalities" by Ph. D. Hamerson Bright, laid the book aside, and gathered her notes into a neat stack. She stood. She walked to the window. For a moment she paused, entranced by the swiftly changing patterns of the raindrops on the window.

Then she frowned. Something was on the balcony, just outside.

The girl slid the window open, letting in a torrent of cold rain. She didn't notice the dampness that soaked into her sweatpants; she didn't notice the rain that ran down into her eyes; she didn't notice the wind that buffeted her, raising goosebumps along her bare arms. Her complete attention was riveted on the dark shape on her balcony.

A single black notebook, edges curling from the moisture.

A strange giddiness came over the girl. She snatched the notebook up from the puddles and stared at it.

Two words in white spelled out: "Death Note".

"Death Note...." murmured the girl. She picked it up, she flipped through the empty pages, she turned around.... She screamed. Looming before her in her once empty bedroom was a huge, ghastly shadow. Its face was bone-white, with bulging red eyes that stared, unblinking, at her.

"Don't be afraid... Come in from the rain, Yagami Mikirin."

The girl couldn't move. That thing talked! It knew her name! She must be dreaming. How could a monster suddenly appear in her bedroom and start talking to her? She bit her lip as hard as she could.

As if it could read her mind, the monster said, "I can assure you, Mikirin, you aren't dreaming. Come inside."

What else could she do? Warily, the notebook in her hands, the girl edged slowly into the house. On a strange impulse, she closed the windows behind her, never taking her eyes off of the monster. The storm raged outside, but inside... There was only the girl, and the monster. He approached her, huge and menacing, but she didn't flinch. Closer and closer he came, until only a few inches of space separated them.The girl's heart thudded as she strained her neck back so that she could see into his eyes.

He raised a hand. He lifted it so that he was barely touching her cheek. His touch was ice-cold. Her heart pounded, but still she didn't move.

"Yagami Mikirin, my name is Gama," said the monster. "I am from the Shinigami world... and I am in love with you."

Thunder crashed outside. The girl stood astounded.

"Take this Death Note. It is my gift to you, the symbol of my affection. Please accept it, and use it as you wish."

With those words, the Shinigami laid his palm against the girl's cheek. She didn't move, still dumbfounded by the Shinigami's words. Her eyes dropped to the notebook in her hands. She still didn't understand what was going on, and why the Shinigami had chosen her, but she knew - she KNEW, in the depths of her heart - that her life would never be the same.

So she opened the Death Note, and read the instructions on the first page. She listened to the words of the Shinigami. She sat at her desk, took out a pen, and wrote.

And at the very same time, in the very same country, Kira killed his first victim.

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