Chapter 1.2: L

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Kimmy (AKA DarthKemberli)


 - CHAPTER 1.2: L -

I watched, almost breathlessly, as Yagami-san took the doorknob. Then he opened the door.

There, standing in the room before us, was a young man. He couldn't have been more than five years older than me. His black hair was wild and unkempt. Dark circles were like bruises beneath his eyes. He wore baggy blue jeans and a loose white shirt, and he had no shoes or socks. His sloppy outfit - sloppier than mine - made me feel better for wearing my old jeans and a plaid sweatshirt. Barefoot he stood, hands in his pockets, shoulders slumped in a lack of posture that was painful to look at. His eyes were half-closed as he regarded us, but the brightness in his gaze was unmistakable.

"I'm L," said the man. His voice was low and rough, yet pleasant.

I glanced surreptiously at my uncle. He was surprised and trying to hide it. He wasn't succeeding. Behind me, Matsuda whispered, "That's not quite the image I had of him..."

I forced myself not to turn around. L waited, rubbing the back of his head. As if suddenly remembering where he was, Yagami-san pulled out his credentials.

"The name's Yagami," he introduced himself, "I'm with the police force."

I yanked out my own ID. It wasn't an official police ID, but Yagami-san had gotten me unofficial credentials to facilitate my investigations. "I'm Yagami. Mikirin," I added hurriedly to distinguish myself from my uncle.

In succession, the others flashed their IDs.

"I'm Matsuda."

"I'm Aizawa."

"I'm Mogi."

"I'm Ukita."

L seemed to perk up. He stopped rubbing his hair and stared at us more intently.

"Sorry we're late," said Yagami-san. "Currently, the six of us are-"

L held up a finger in imitation of a gun and pointed at my uncle. "Bang!"

Yagami-san gasped. The other men behind me had similar reactions. I simply stared.

"What the hell are you playing at?" demanded Aizawa angrily.

"If I was Kira, you'd be dead by now, Yagami Souichirou-san," explained L in a bored voice. "In order to kill, Kira needs a face and a name. All of you should know this by now. Try not to carelessly reveal your names. Let's try to value our lives."

Without waiting for a response, he turned around. I stared after him. What he said made sense. When I glanced at my companions, I saw that they saw the wisdom in L's words too. Matsuda, however, seemed confused.

"I've heard that the face is essential," he said, "but I've heard nothing about Kira needing to know the victim's name as well..."

"All the high profile criminals whose real names are unknown or were reported wrongly have escaped Kira's wrath," replied Yagami-san. "It's an issue that's also been discussed at Investigative Headquarters."

"Standing around there chatting is all very well, but please come this way," L said from the other room.

"Um... okay," stammered Matsuda. As one, we advanced further into the suite.

"I must ask you to switch off all cell phones, laptops and other transmission devices and leave them on the table there," L instructed. He pointed at a coffee table to our left.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 10, 2012 ⏰

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