Wormholes = Kids = ?!

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The paladins, Keith, and Coran, were in the living area, relaxing on the couches, after a long time of defeating the Galra.
They told stories, mostly of Earth, and if you think about it, they were trying to impress Allura and Coran.


"So let me get this straight," Pidge started, from hearing one tale. "Keith's the reason Iverson has a blind side?"

"Well, he had it coming." Keith squeakinly defended, his voice being a couple octaves higher than usual.

"Did... Keith just squeak?" Lance asked.

They all laughed, at Keith's expense.
Unfortunately, their lively laughter was cut short.

A small wormhole appeared behind the couch Lance and Pidge were seated at. It was the same color as the wormholes Allura created.

"Guys, Why is there a WORMHOLE?" Lance worried.

"I don't understand," Allura said lightly, "so far, I am the only one able to create a wormhole."

They stared at it in major confusion. But ticks later, a girl came out of the wormhole, it closed after she stumbled out.

She had long black hair, a tan tone, and her eyes were heterochromatic. She had pink markings, similar to Allura's.

Keith jumped up from his spot. "Who are you?" He questioned, ready to attack if needed.

They each pulled out their bayards/knife in preparation.

"My name is Kaelin." The girl announced. "I... I come in peace!"


"Where did you come from?"

"What are you, specifically?"

"Are you Altean? You have markings."

"Can we trust you?"

"Is she real?"

Shiro cleared his throat. "Guys! Give her some room, she just got here."

Following his order, the five stepped back. Well, Pidge had to move Allura, because of her state of shock.

"Now that we've given you some room, Kaelin, tell us about yourself." Shiro advised.

"Okay. My name is Kaelin, as I said before, and I'm 16 years old."

Keith raised an eyebrow. "Is that all?"

"There's that fact that I'm your daughter." She replied quickly.


"WHAT?!" Everyone exclaimed.

"Daughter?" Pidge questioned. "Then you're from the future!"

"I think we're missing the bigger picture." Lance started. "If Keith's your dad, who's your mom?"

Kaelin had a deadpanned face expression. "Look at me, and take a guess." She insisted.

The room was silent.
It was figured out and concluded.
It just took one head turn.

"Princess Allura is your mother! Allura, you're a mother!" Coran declared.

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