Chapter 4 Your What?

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Morgan POV

I crawl out of bed and stumble downstairs. I slept so good last night I just wish I could stay in bed. Its been a week since Attila had to go back and Nicole is handling it pretty well. When I get down in the living room I see Nicole sitting on the couch. She looks weird.

"Hey, whats up?" I ask sitting down. "Are you crying?"

"No, I'm fine." she says. I rest my hand on her shoulder. "I really am."

"No your really not and you know I hate it when you lie to me." I say. She sighs and looks up. "Now what is it?"

"Its bad, really bad." she says.

"Than tell me, unless you slept with Jax again." I say making her laugh. "Just tell me, I won't be mad."

"No. No thats not it." she says. I....I'm...." but Anabella's crying cuts her off.

"Shit, hold on. I'll be right back." I say standing up. I walk upstairs and into Anabella's room. She stops crying when she sees me. "Hey little girl, whats wrong?"

"I had a nightmare." she says. I pick her up and give her a tight hug. 

"Its okay, mommy's here." I say. She relaxes and falls asleep. I lay her down and walk back to Nicole. "Okay, now you can tell me."

"Alright, I'm....." but Jax cuts her off.

"Sorry, hold on." I say. She sighs and looks down. I stand up and walk upstairs to see Jax's face and right arm tied up in his tie. 

"Help." he says. I groan and get him lose. "Thanks love."

"Hold on, so it doesn't happen again." I say doing it for him. He smiles and gives me a long kiss. "Now what are you doing?"

"I have a job interview." he says. I smile and give him another short kiss. "But I gotta go." he grabs his bag and leaves. I walk back down to Nicole and sit down.

"Okay, now you can tell me." I say. She sighs and looks at me.

"I'm....." but Dex cuts her off.

"Hey Morgan!" he calls.

"What ever fucking problem you have! Solve it yourself!" I yell. Than silence. "Okay, now."

"I'm pregnant." she says.

"Your what?!" I say.


AAHHHH!!!!! I know. Short.

Nikki :)

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