Two - Research

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Denim Holt...

Flos moneat convellere.

Red eyes in a cloud of smoke...

Delecta tempus!

My eyes shoot open and I come face to face with Rogue. She isn't doing anything, just watching me. Staring, on alert, in my face.

"Hi, baby," I croak out and reach to pet her. She leans into my hand and licks it. I glance at the card on the table and frown a little. How can one piece of paper hold so many riddles?

A groan snaps my head to the other end of the couch, and I see Cameron in a sitting position, head leaned on the back of the couch, mouth open, sleeping. Last night, we stayed up all night watching movies and talking about my "secret admirer". He even ordered take-out and started a new movie. Since, 'it's Friday night' - in Cam's words. Giggling, I nudge him in the side a few times. He stirs a little but stops.

Nudging him again, "Get up, Cam!"

He groans.

"CAMERON!" I kick him in the ribs and he shoots up.

"I'm up! What time is it?" He says holding his side and rubbing his eyes.

"Morning time. You have to leave. I have to get ready for work and I'm sure you have things to do, too." I sit up and Rogue stands on alert. She has been really protective lately.

Cameron still stands rubbing his eyes, yawning.

"Cameron, now. Leave. This was great, now, beat it." I giggle. I had no where to be, not yet anyways. I just wanted to be alone with my piece of paper and get to the bottom of this mystery. I'm not really sure why it was eating me alive other than the fact that I was curious. What if it was a secret admirer? I haven't had proper attention in a while, this could be beneficial, right? But, on the other hand, what if it's not ? What if it is my killer? Specifically assigned to me.

"Yeah, Yeah. I'm leaving." He gathers all of his things and heads for the door but not without dropping a quick kiss on the side of my head. "See ya." He yawns out.

"Adios." I do a sailors salut and follow behind to lock my door. Turning back to my card, I stare at it for a while before heading over to it. Opening it:

rosae subvertens ut auferamini

"What the hell does that mean?" I squint at the card before grabbing my lap top and throwing the words in the search engine. After clicking around and finding a translator, my results were:

roses will be uprooted

These words were originally written on the card in Latin. I know no one who is fluent in Latin. Is anybody fluent in Latin? Do they even teach Latin in school anymore?

I frown, "Roses will be uprooted? What are you trying to tell me?"

Picking up the card again, I notice the admirer left an initial of 'L'. I hadn't known that many people with a L name. I probably knew 3 people in total - if that.
Closing my laptop, I decided to properly begin my day. Truthfully, I wasn't able to completely shake the card out of my mind. I was sorting through my memory, attempting to come up with an L name that sparked my attention. So, while starting my morning, I sorted through names.

Brushing my teeth, gargling, "Lookus fwom ban caump?"

Grabbing a plate from the cabinet, "Larry from the bookstore?"

Sprinkling pepper over my eggs, "Leo from that one party?"

Refilling Rogue's pans, "Laura from - where did I meet Laura?" I mean, who says the admirer isn't female?

Singing in the shower, riffing out, "LEVIII FROOOOM SCHOOLLL!"

After countless names have come to mind, I decide that this was not the best plan and maybe I should just leave it to the universe. I mean, if the admirer wanted to be seen, it will reveal itself right?

Wrapping my robe around myself, I tie my dark hair up into a bun and head into my bedroom to get dressed. My bedroom is very simple yet, cute. It holds plain white walls, a queen-sized bed with a gray duvet covering it, one white nightstand with matching dresser, one plush beanbag, and yellow accents complimenting the room - since that is my favorite color.

While slipping on my underwear, I admire my shaven work on my legs. My legs are remarkably smooth today and I can't help but be proud.

"Nothing's better than freshly shaved legs," I run my fingertips over my calf, "Maybe I should sing names in the shower all the time."

I finished putting on my panties, lotion, and deodorant, then decide to just wear my favorite cropped sweater and socks. There's pros to living alone: no pants and no bra and nobody complaining. Sliding my sock over my ankle, I heard a loud thud come from in the living room and don't think too much about it. Living with an adventurous dog, this is very common.

"Rogue, baby, that better not be you in the trash again." I shake my head. "We're not doing that again."

A puppy-groan comes from the side of the bed and I look back. Rogue is curled in a ball at the head of my bed, looking up at me with tired eyes and flipped ears. She was obviously asleep. The same thud comes from the living room and before I can look up, Rogue is wide awake now, jumping off the bed and running into the living room. I hear her bark once but then, nothing. Chills run up my spine but I am met with an awkward heat heading into the living room. Rogue is looking around sniffing everything but, I'm assuming she gives up because she just jumps on the couch; back in her puppy ball. The same thud now comes from my room and I whip my head around, looking down the hallway. I can't say I wasn't afraid- because I was - but, my mother always told me that if you're afraid, all you're doing is making your fears stronger. So, in honor of my mother, I take a deep breath and decide to shake it off.

"You're fine, Denim. Everything's fine. Something probably fell in there or someone is jumping around upstairs." I tell myself. "Not today, Satan."

Just as those words leave my mouth, thick arms wrap around my waist and warm breath is blown on my neck.

"Then, when?" A deep, familiar voice speaks in my ear.

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