Chapter III

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Emma found Ava in the stables, awaiting her riding lesson. Ava saw the angry look on Emma's face. She wondered if she had found out who it was that had told on her. "Hello, Emma," She chirped. "My, aren't you looking beautiful today!!" Emma returned her compliment with a shooting glare.
"WHY?!" she stormed, causing a horse to snort frantically.
Ava looked around, trying to seem innocent. "Why what?"
Emma aggressively grabbed her hair. "WHY did you tell them about me and Bae???" She tugged harder at her hair, causing Ava to utter a wail.
"Bae? That was Baelfire you were with?" she asked innocently as a tear rolled down her cheek. "Well ... Daddy asked and he -"
Emma yanked her hair even harder, causing her red ribbon to come loose. "I don't care if Daddy threatens to SPANK you!!" She yelled. "You had NO right to tell on me like that! Bae is MY business and what I decide to do with him is also MY business. And now, being that you told, we could be in a lot of trouble! I won't be able to see him for a very long time and it'll be YOUR FAULT." Emma's stomach started to churn, causing her to feel sick.
"Why?? Is something going to happen to the Dark One's son?" She asked frantically.
"Stop calling him that!!" Emma shouted in her face. "His. Name. Is. BAELFIRE!!" Emma yanked her hair even harder, causing Ava to cry. "GET THAT THROUGH YOUR THICK HEAD, YOU LITTLE -"
"EMMA!" Came a voice from the stable aisle. Emma looked up to see Regina giving Ava a concerned look. "Emma, I'm sorry if you're having a bad day and I know this isn't my place to say, but you should not treat your little sister like that!" Emma released her grip on Ava's hair and Ava ran to Regina, sobbing. "There there, Ava, its okay." She looked back up at Emma. "Ya know, I'm surprised at you. You're not usually this aggressive. Especially not toward your ELEVEN YEAR OLD sister."
Emma shot Regina a look of anger. Then looked down. Regina noticed as Emma suddenly turned pale. "Are you okay, Dear? You don't look well all of a sudden." She asked with concern.
Emma stared back at her blankly. "I'm fine," she answered flatly.
Regina wasn't convinced. "Are you sure? Your color has completely drained." She pointed out.
"I am FINE." Emma reassured her, rather rudely.
"She's been feeling tired these last few weeks," Ava piped in with a sniff, still clinging to Regina in fear her sister would attempt to assault her again. "That's why she slept in so late today."
Emma cleared her throat. "I wasn't feeling well this morning. I, uh ... I think I ate something bad last night." She answered.
"We all ate the same thing though, Emma, and it's been going on a long time," Ava interjected.
"Shut UP, Ava!" Emma shouted. Ava started to cry again.
"Emma!!" Regina said as she stroked Ava's hair. "I think you need to go get some fresh air. Cool off for a while!"
"I don't need to cool off -" Emma started to argue but instead her stomach lurched and she ran out of the stable, barely making it out in time before her stomach emptied itself of its contents.
"Ew," Ava said. She looked up at Regina. "Ew, I hope I don't catch what she's got!" She wrinkled her nose and made a face.


The next chapter is still in the works but I hope to have it uploaded here soon. In the meantime, I hope you enjoy this as a bit of a "tie-over" (I have to admit that I had ALOT of fun writing this part!). Again and as always, thank you SO much for reading this story! You have no idea how much I appreciate it!

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