As I wake up i smell something cooked. Is that bacon or pancakes?. My vision is now finally clear and I see a plate of pancakes with bacon and juice. As I walk out of bed I realize Harry's missing. Slipping out of bed I see a note. It says "Morning had to leave for recording. Enjoy the breakfest. Harry xoxo". I look at the time and it's 10:32 am. Picking up my phone I see one new message. Danielle texted " When you wake up call me". Dialing her number she picks up.
" Hey their sleepy head. Got my text?" asked Danielle.
" Yeah so whats up?".
" Getting ready with Eleanor. We didn't want to disturb you and wake you up. Come next door".
" Ok be there in a minute" I say ending the call.
I grab on a t-shirt and pants and walk out the room. Knocking on the door Danielle opens and gives me a hug.
"What we doing today?" I asked.
" Well Eleanor has a photo shoot so it's just you and me".
" Speaking of the shoot I got to leave now. See you both later maybe" spoke Eleanor as she walked out of the room.
" The boys are coming back later and I really want to wait. Maybe we can just watch a movie or something. Like some Harry Potter???" I ask.
I turn the TV on and watch the deathly hollow part 1.
" Um i have to go" said Danielle leaving me alone.
I finish watching the movie and I hear a knock on the door. I get up and open it and I see Harry.
" Hey beautiful".
Walking into his arms I hug him and kiss his cheek.
" Guess what today is?" he asks.
" I don't know. What is it?"
" Our 5 month anniversary. And tonight I'm taking you out to celebrate. It's just you and me baby."
I put my arms around his neck and say " You don't have to do this for me"
" But I must".
I sweetly kiss him.
" You're so sweet" I said.
It's almost 7 so i start to get ready. I slip into my silver dress with my black flats. I hear a knock and open the door. I see Harry dresses in a suit.
" Ready?" he asks.
" Mhmm"
He takes me to the car and we drive away. The car stops and Harry covers my eyes. Guiding me somewhere he lets go and i see the ocean.
" Were here" he answered.
He's having a moon light dinner with me how sweet of him. I see our table and sit down. I find our meal and start eating the spaghetti. He tells me how Niall wrote songs for the CD. After were finished he takes my hand and twirls me around making my dress spin. Then he starts dancing with me and lay his hands on my hips. Putting my arms around his neck we dance to him singing " Gotta Be You". Then we stop and he takes me back to the hotel. As we walk into the room I see rose petals all around.
" I had Niall and Liam buy roses and put the petals in here"
" Aww arn't you just romantic"
" I try"
He quickly goes into his suit case and pulls out a rapper. I see it and its a condom.
" You know tonight means alot to me. And I just wanna show you how much you make my heart race."
" Are you sure you want to do this?" I ask.
" Never been more sure".
I take off my shoes and pull off my dress. Then Harry takes off his tie and his shirt reavling his chest. I get close to him and start kissing him. I stop and pull of his pants as he puts on the condom. We walk to the bed and he helps take off my bra and underwear. As were doing it he says " I love you Melissa".

A Night to Remember
FanfictionHarry loves Melissa and would do anything for her. Read about there quirky and romantic times together.