Chapter One

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~ Summer Dare ~

When I was a kid, and even an early teen, I used to get up and Saturday mornings and go with my dad to the car wash. We would go down, just the two of us, and eat doughnuts and drink hot chocolate. But while we ate our sweets and drank and morning choice we would play the old 1980's video game consul they had set up. It just became our regular Saturday morning routine.

When I eventually got my own liscene and car I stopped coming with my dad. It would just be me alone sitting at the game consul eating a doughnut and drinking hot chocolate. Then eventually I didn't play the game anymore, but instead I sat there with my head phones in blaring music.

So now as I rolled out of bed and went down to the car wash, just like every Saturday morning past, I grabbed my head phones and headed to my 1967 black, Chevy impala, not knowing this morning would change everything. When I eventually say down with my breakfast, I put on a Blink 182 playlist and let it run, occasionally skipping some looking for a specific one.

What I failed to noticed during my hunt , was the black haired, blue eyed boy who had taken claim to the seat across from me. I looked at him to see his lips moving but no sound came out.

I ripped out my head phones and questioned

"What?" He smiled in response and replied

"You wanna play?" Gesturing towards the dusty consul.

I pondered the thought for a few seconds before deciding to speak up. With a shrug I replied " Why not?"

He gave me a smirk and began looking through the games they had on the machine.

"Donkey Kong ok with you?"

"Yeah that's fine." I tried to play it off like it didn't matter but on the inside I was doing a victory dance because this was my favorite game.

The game started and he took his turn. When he finally died on the third level, I took my turn. As I kept going up the levels 3, 4, 5, 6 he just stared wide-eyed at my score rising.

Eventually I died and then we both went a few more times. At the end of the game I had obviously won I did a little victory cheer "Yes! That was awesome I haven't played this game in years!"

The boy across the way let out a ,movie star grin and asked "So now that we've played video games together, do I get a name?"

"Summer Dare. You?"

"You don't know who I am? " he raised an eye brow.

"No clue."

He stared astonished. "Well that's a first. I'm Nigh Ravens."

"How old are you?"

"18. What about you blondie?"

"Really blondie? What an original nickname!" I said with a laugh. "And I'm 17. I'll be 18 next month."

"Do you go to the high school?"

"Yeah you go there?"

"Yeah I'm the varsity soccer captain. You really don't know who I am?"

"Like I said I've never seen you before in my life." At this point I heard them call out that my car was done. I stood up with a small fare well in his direction. As I opened the door I heard him call out to me.

"Hey Summer! How will I find you again?"

I smiled. "Come here next Saturday. "

"And if I want to see you before then?"

"Look for a car. Trust me. You will know it when you see it." I left it at that and strided towards my muscle car. I tipped the guy and slid into the leather seat. I sat there for a moment curious to why he thought I knew him. Maybe we had met some where before?

As I continued to think over his name and face I rummaged through my cassette tapes and popped in a Psychedelic Furs.

As the opening cords of Pretty In Pink played he face began to spark recognition, but to no avail nothing clicked like I had hoped.

And all the while, I had sat there and thought I could feel two blue eyes on me.



Next chapter will be longer. Srry for editing mistakes

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 15, 2014 ⏰

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