Ft: lauriemclaren
How does the artist use their personal experience to write emotional and relatable songs?
What does Suga want to tell us in his song First Love?
First Love is the second in the series of solo songs BTS released with their album: Wings. All the solo songs were written by the member who sings them. They all chose to sing or rap about different things.
Suga, the artist who wrote First Love was born on the 9 of March 1993 in
Daegu, South Korea. In his group he is known as the coldest member because he rarely smiles. He seems insensitive but his solo song and his mix tape show the opposite.
We are going to answer the question, what does Suga want to tell us in his song First Love?
Firstly, Suga wrote a song.
As a first step, First Love has lyrics that tell the artist's story. The lyrics start off when he is in Primary school and end the moment he writes the song. All through the process of growing up Suga's mother stays by his side no matter how much he pushes her away. She is compared to the piano in the first lines of the song: << A brown piano settled on one side, in the corner of my childhood house >> << I feel so nice mom i feel so nice, I played the piano wherever my hands took me. I didn't know your significance back then, back then I was content with just looking at you. >>. So in his song First Love Suga wants to tell us his story.
As a second step, Suga makes sure to put as much emotion into the delivery of his song as possible. First Love starts off as a seemingly peaceful song; Suga's voice is soft and calm. But the longer you listen to the song, the faster the artist raps and the more emotional his tone gets. In addition, while singing verse seven, you can clearly hear Suga taking deep breaths as though he were crying and trying to not sob. At the end of the verse he deliberately takes two loud breaths, taking a rest and calming down before the last four lines. In the Hook Suga's voice is once again soft and calm. Therefore, the artist tells us his story, through the emotion he puts into his song.
As a third step, the background music, without the lyrics, is, in its self a work of art. In the first few seconds, before the artist starts rapping, we can hear the stridulation of crickets and other sounds you would hear in the wild. Through the choice of these sounds, Suga wants to show how honest and truthful his lyrics are because nature is associated with innocence and honesty. When the lyrics start, a melody played on the piano by the artist himself, begins. It's simple and calm, and works hand in hand with Suga's tone. At the beginning of the third verse, violins complete the background music. In the fifth verse, all instruments except for the percussions stop, marking the verse as important. In the sixth verse, the other instruments return and the melody becomes richer as Suga raps louder. In verse seven, a mellow chello joins the dance and makes that verse as just as important as the sixth, if not more. For the four last lines of this verse, a faint flute adds to the violin's melody, making it hopeful, to match the lyrics. For the final hook, only the piano and the percussions remain to bring back the calm atmosphere from the beginning of the song. Thus, by using emotional and simple background music, Suga tells us his story.
In this song, Suga tells his story, through the lyrics, he shows his emotion, and he wrote the background music to fit his emotional lyrics and voice.
Secondly, Suga wants the listeners to understand the story behind the lyrics.
First of all, Suga wants to tell us about his first love. The title of the song can be interpreted in two different ways.
Dunno What to call this... Just random stuff
RandomJust a couple of nice things I have to say. I hope that if you feel down these will help you <3 -T.Blue- PS: Frenglish