Spring Cleaning

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I woke up and tried to sit up, only to see that Tay's long arm was draped over my chest. A smile found its way to my face as the events of last night came back to me. I looked down at him, watching the way his chest rose and fell with each breath he took. I stared at his face, noticing how long his eyelashes were and how his lips had a natural pouty look. He's fucking beautiful. I don't believe in love or any of that "destiny" shit, but I will say that I like him. A lot. Especially after last night because never have I ever came so hard. I felt like it was the big 'Fuck You' to my moms I had always dreamed of. If only she was around to see it.
  He grabbed my wrist, pinning them against the wall and kissing my neck. I smiled, looking towards the window. "We can't do this right now Tay, I gotta go to work and you gotta go home." I squirmed, but he didn't budge. He bit my neck gently, sighing loudly, "But why?" I just shook my head, snickering while he whined and let me go. "Amori, if you go to work I'ma cry." This nigga bro. I walked into my closet, finding some skinny jeans and my Noodles & Company shirt and getting dressed. He watched, silently putting his clothes on too.

"Amori, it's your turn to clean the toilets." I nodded at Kiara, walking to the supply closet and grabbing all the shit I needed. My legs and pussy had been sore all fucking day and now I had to bend over and scrub toilet bowls. Never again, bitch. Never again on that counter.  I cleaned the toilets, swept the floor, cleaned the mirrors and the sinks. Finally, I threw all the supplies back into the closet and clocked out, a wide smile on my face. Until I realised I had to walk home.

Go to work. Clean. Go home. Clean. I power walked through the house, vacuuming every carpet I saw. I had seen a roach earlier, and that was enough for me to pick my tired ass up and clean this whole fucking house. My mommas house had two floors and a basement. I walked up the stairs, cleaned out her room, her bathroom and the hallway closets which were extremely dusty. I walked downstairs, cleaning the living room, dining room, guest room and washing the walls. The basement was the easiest though. I only had to sweep, mop and get rid of all the spider webs that had collected on the ceiling.
I went and sat on the couch, gritting my teeth through the pain between my hips. I knew it was temporary, but I still wanted Tay to come over. No you don't. Watch a documentary or something, no sex you nasty bitch. "Ughh,there ain't shit to watch." I groaned out loud, even though there was no one else in the damn house. Thank goodness my phone rang before I decided to watch a slave documentary. "Wassup?" I answered, glancing at the tv. "Mori, it's Dre. Can we come over? Our t.v broke and Tay won't shut the fuck up." At the end of his sentence I heard somebody laugh in the background.  "Sure, bring some weed too." I hung up, deciding that tonight we were gonna watch some scary shit so we could all laugh while Jay freaked out.

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