chapter 4:a date?

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"go on a date with me?"

"sure I'd love to"i said smiling then valt teased me "cute~~~"
-------------le time skip cuz I'm lazy--------
I looked at the time and realize that I'm almost late "OMG IM GOING TO BE LATE! " I wore an red dress with a blue/green/pink (a/n-just pick )then grabbed a long black sock and wore it then I wore some heals (a/n-if u don't like my choice of clothing you can change it to what ever you want) then went to the spot shu picked but when I was almost there a noticed shu buying ice cream then I walked over to him "hey (y/n) want some ice cream?"shu asked "sure"
"what flavor?"
"(the kind of ice cream flavor you want) "
"okay"then shu buyed the ice cream you wanted and came back holding your ice cream "thanks"you said
--------------time skip again at the end of your date(a/n-sorry!! Please don't get mad at me)---------------
"did u enjoy our date? "shu asked "of course you? "I asked shu "why wouldn't I? "shu answered and you giggled "why are you so cute? "I asked a random question "I don't know why? "he answered "hmm... Your just cute "I said"that isn't even a explanation"shu said and I laughed "your right"we both laughed then shu leaned closer to my face"is there something wrong?"I asked"can't I end the date with a kiss? "he said"o-ofcourse you can! "then we kissed then said our farewells then the date ended. You went to your room thinking what would happen next then slept.


Did you like it I hope you did I'm really sorry it's short it's because...
1.i played piano and my hand are tired busy with school lazy sleepy
I'm sorry cuz I haven't updated recently and I promise I will update more often from now on so i will post every weekends if not I will post on Monday or Tuesday thanks for reading and byeeeeeee!!!

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