Week 1: Costumes

377 8 500

This is pretty similar to the song choosing, but it's numbered. The number of the costume is ABOVE the picture

Also I have gotten a few questions on how I make scores, so I'll explain here.

1. Activity (Up to 10 points)
Basically, I count every single comment (That's why you often see me write marked to here). For each week I set a goal. This week I said 100 comments {Which most people got in the first chapter so I'm probably gonna need to make the goal higher} but the first person to reach this gets 10. Then the next gets 10, the next gets 9, the next gets 9. Basically I rank them, with 2-3 people per score as there's so many people in the competition. You can get up to 10 points here.
2. Style of dance (Up to 10)
Basically, I use the rankings in the form to decide how many points to give your character. If it's their best style, it's obviously 10.
3. Overall (Up to 10)
This is based on your character in general. It's not my opinion, but more of a mixture of grammar, and overall roleplaying. Is your character realistic? Do you make advances in their personality?(Because no character is going to be the exact same throughout the entire competition!) Basically, I'm looking for someone who lets their character do realistic things. For example, your characters best style is ballet. But they would get bored if they ONLY do ballet for the entire season. Maybe one week, they go crazy and choose a jazz piece even though they are bad at it. Your points will go up here.
If your character is always perfect, your points will go down here. If your character does interesting things, it will go up here. For an example on who I would give 10 points to this week:
•Alexus. She has bonded in and done some crazy stuff, but overall stands out from other characters with her crazy nature. She's introducing jokes and her character is developing.
•JoJo. Yeah she's pretty annoying but she's absolutely hilarious. Some of the stuff she does might seem slightly unrealistic but it's still pretty realistic in the sense it just fits. She's standing out and she makes the roleplay interesting.
•Sophia. She's been really active and brought in some interesting plotlines. She has tried to make some good drama and has been good at developing and explaining her character
4. Costume (Marked out of 10)
Does the costume suit the dance? If you have a hip hop dance, your not going to wear a tutu. It's pretty easy to score high on this if your active when costumes are published as there is a lot of choice, but it can be harder if you're late and someone has chosen your costume. There might be no hip-hop costumes left, so you'll have to settle for the next best thing.
5. This is the final category, marked out of 5. This is the DANCE REACTION (Credit officiallykat from Riverway. I know she isn't active anymore but I still give credit the first time I use it in every rp)
Basically did your character do well?  HOWEVER IF YOU CONSTANTLY MAKE YOUR CHARACTER DO PERFECT, YOU'LL BE MARKED DOWN! All characters will do something wrong in their dance, don't try to make them perfect.

I mark everything in a strict way to prevent bias. Often I all a second or third opinion. THERE. IS. NO. WAY. I. CAN. RIG. THE. RESULTS. AT. ALL.
Don't accuse me of that. I've kept every single score sheet since the first week of season 1, so I can prove that I've never once rigged the competition. The only time I've come close to doing that is when I purposely made MY character mess up on stage so they would be out as I thought it would be unfair for my character to stay till the final.

So anyway, onto costumes



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