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You and Kane are out first, the ring ready for the upcoming match.

You've never been inside a steel cage, not for a match, not at all in fact. But as they say, there's a first time for everything.

The cage is huge, and you try not to stare, instead trying to keep your mind focused for the match ahead.

In your hand you carry a baseball bat, Kane demanded you keep it with you just in-case somebody tried to kidnap you from him again. You had refused until Kane had threatened you with it, at which point you decided it would be best to carry it. Scared or not you don't imagine being hit in the head with a baseball bat is much fun.

You follow Kane through the cage door and into the ring.

"You'll stay in one place at ringside." you bow your head, showing Kane you understand, exiting the cage.

As you do so Rob Van Dam's theme starts up and he makes his way down to the ring, locking eyes with Kane.

As he nears the steel cage he looks at you instead, his eyes instantly noticing the black baseball bat you hold.

You flash him a smile, rolling your eyes at his saddened expression.

 You still don't fully understand why he's been so desperate to get you away from Kane, there's nothing wrong with him. Sure he can be a little violent, a little sadistic a times, but he's not that bad.

Rob enters the steel cage with Kane anyway, probably immediately regretting that decision as Kane makes short work of him, the match beginning before the door to the steel cage is closed.

The match is Kane's, him dominating it for the most part. Kane lifts Van Dam over his head, throwing him to the wall of the steel cage, which gives in. Rob is sent hurtling down to ringside, his music playing.

You and Kane make eye contact, that isn't a win.

"No! No! No! No! No! NO! Stop right there" Eric walks out from backstage, cutting Rob's theme music short. "RVD is NOT the winner of this match!"

"Damn right" You state, crossing your arms. He's not. He did not climb over the top of the cage. He did not leave through the door, nor did he win via pin-fall.

"The rules say the winner can escape either over the top of the cage or through the door, not through the cage! Now put RVD back into that ring. Fix that cage. This match will continue!" A sly smile making its way across you features.

The ring is repaired quickly and Rob is forced back into the ring. The door isn't even closed before Kane starts his attack again, picking the bleeding man up from the floor and using his head as a battering ram against the side of the steel cage.

RVD uses the ropes to propel himself backwards, grabbing his head once he has landed back against the mat. Kane taunts RVD, telling him the door is open, and Rob makes an attempt to move towards it.

As he does you walk towards it, waiting for the perfect moment.

Just as Rob's head pokes out of the ropes and out of the cage you slam the door shut, sending him backwards.

He glances up at you and you give him a sickly sweet smile, his head bleeding now more than Kane's head had been last week after being hit by a steel chair a couple times.

Rob now clings onto the side of the steel cage, attempting to climb up to escape.

"Come on! You can do it!" Kane shouts mockingly. Rob reaches the top of the cage "You can do it RVD!" he shouts just before grabbing the wounded man. Rob glances back, kicking out his leg and causing Kane to stumble back. You hold the bat out to the side, swinging and hitting his foot. He isn't getting out that easily.

Rob slips, allowing Kane to take a hold of him, but once again RVD kicks Kane in the side of the head. He tries to push himself up to the top of the cage but at this point most of his strength is gone.

Kane grabs his foot, using RVD as support to climb up onto the top rope.

Despite RVD already having one leg over the top of the cage Kane succeeds in pulling him down, the two of them standing on the top rope for a second before Kane latches his hand around RVD's neck, choke-slamming him. 

Kane wins the match via pinfall, exiting the cage through the door.

You meet him at the bottom of the steel stairs and he gives you a devilish smile. You smile back, swinging the bat around out to your side.

Kane puts his arm around you, the two of you walking together up the ramp.

You turn once you and Kane reach the stage, laughing at the sight of the medics rushing around in the ring, wanting to get RVD on a stretcher. Kane lifts his arms, slamming them back down, the volume of the pyrotechnics drowning out your laugh.

The heat of the pyros surrounds you and Kane, the energy of the fire causing adrenaline to pump through your veins.

You very quickly realise Kane has taken a hold of you and in the moment has dipped you and pressed his lips to yours.

You hear the shock of the crowd, and the announcers, seeing you and Kane.

Nothing is official between the two of you. You did mention that you had feelings for him briefly last week but he had made nothing of it to your knowledge, not even pulling a face when the words had slipped out of your mouth.

Nonetheless this moment was happening, and you are very aware of everything going on.

Kane's lips eventually leave yours and he begins to laugh, walking you backstage.

"I don't know about you JR but I'm not sure I'd enjoy that"

As soon as the two of you are back in the locker room your phone begins to ring.

"Who is it?" Kane asks. You look at the number and groan.

"You remember the friend that called that time." Kane nods.

"Answer it, I want to hear what she has to say" You grimace and pick up the call, putting it on speaker.

"What the hell do you think you're doing Y/n!!" your friend shouts down the phone

"So I don't even get a hello?" You ask sarcastically, already knowing exactly what she's going to have a rant about.

"In front of the cameras! On live television!! You go ahead and you.. you kiss that thing!!" You rest your head in the palm of your hand, sighing.

"Look. This is none of your business" You begin, only to be cut off.

"Well it is, isn't it. This man is awful, the things he has done to all those people, how do you know he won't do that to you?" She asks. You open your mouth but once again you are rudely interrupted. "And everything's all good and well you just decided it would be a good idea to kiss him in front of millions of people?! What were you thinking?!"

Your eyes drift over to Kane who, like last time, has an amused smile on his face.

"Alright, shut up" You demand, but she keeps on talking. "Listen up Y/F/N I'm sick of this. I'm sick of you telling me what is right and what is wrong. You have no control over me or my actions, if I want to kiss Kane then so be it. It is no concern of yours what I do and who I date. Not that we are dating. So next time don't call me" With that you hang up, likely leaving her in shock on the other end of the line.

"Dating huh?"

"Shut up"

They Don't See You How I Do (Kane X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now