1 || Sleep

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You were adorable when you were asleep. You would move every now and then, twisting and turning every time if one of us stare at you intensely like you can feel our gaze.

The way you would mumble inaudible things as you slept with a peaceful smile on your face.

It made us want to know what you were dreaming about that made you so happy.

"So we can crush it," a small part of us whispered but we ignored it 'cause it was wrong, wrong, wrong!

"Nobody but us should be the one to make you happy," another traitorous part of our minds whispered again, we tried to ignore, really we tried but it was getting so hard. It was so tempting to just do as the voices says so you'd be ours, and only ours.

We would gaze at you with love and longing but you never noticed, how can you when you would be asleep. Sometimes, while we would watch you sleep we would imagine that we were together with you, we would go on long romantic walks and we would go on dates, and during those times we would hold your hand and we would kiss you, and when we did that you would turn red with embarrassment but, you didn't hate it so you would smile softly at us and then return the kiss shyly.

We grinned at the thought, it would truly be a dream come true if you became ours so we slowly made a plan.

We planned how we were going to first meet up with you and how we would slowly but surely intrude into your life naturally, well as natural as we can make it.

Sometimes while we watched you sleep you would wake up and look around in a confused manner and you were absolutely adorable, we had to stop ourselves from rushing up to you and simply hugging you tight and taking you somewhere far away so no one else could see you at all.

It was tempting to actually do just that but we didn't, we knew that would scare you away so we held ourselves back and just watched you.

You never seem to notice us watching you and we're thankful for that because you practically gave us permission to continue watching.

In the beginning we only watched you for a few minutes every night, and only a few days a week.

But them it became a few hours every night, and every other day.

And then gradually it because every night for the whole night from dusk till dawn.

It became an obsession, watching you sleep, the way your chest would rise and fall with every breath, the way you would either pull the covers up or kick them off depending on the weather.

It was soothing to us when we watched you sleep, so no matter what the weather was like we would always watch you sleep.

Even if it was scorching out and even if it was below freezing we would always watch you sleep.

Because when we watched you sleep the monsters inside us were satisfied.
Ok so I said I would update chapter 5 but I reread the last few chapters and it was so shit it make me cringe so I decided to edit them. To be honest I don't know where I'm going with this story anymore, I wrote this shit when I was 15. My writing was absolute garbage 💀 what the fuck was I thinking anyways enjoy the rewritten version of chapter 1. I'm open for suggestions on where the story could be headed.

Our Love for You || Yandere!bts x Male!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now