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"Avery!" My mom yells as I hear a pound on my door "You don't want to be late on your last day of middle school!"

"I'll be out in a min," I say as I try to multitask doing painting my nails and getting dressed. As slip on my shirt, hear my brother Jake and my mom talking about his last day of elementary school. I can't believe that he will be a 7th grader next year. It seems just yesterday I was giving baby Jakey a bath with my dad.

When I put on my last coat of paint my cat Nomi jumps up on my desk and starts to pure and rubbing her body on my arm. My nails are still drying so I start petting her with my elbow. I go to my closet and look all around for my sky blue toms.After I find them, I slip them on and dart to the bathroom. I throw my dark blond hair up in a ponytail then apply some mascara on. I'm not like those kinds of girls who put a bunch of makeup on. I'm like a mixture of a girly girl and a tom girl. I guess you can call me a different.

As I make my way downstairs I find an egg and 2 pieces of bacon on the table at my spot. Ever since my dad died my mom has tried to spend more time with us and become a better mom. Before my dad died my mom would always work late and barley talked to us because we barley got to see her, and when she had the day off or she came home early she would go to her room and watch movies.

"Avery, hurry up or you will miss the bus,"My mom shouts from upstairs. I shove the rest in my mouth and grab my backpack and start heading to the door.

"Bye mom I'm leaving, bye Jake," I say as they come down the stairs. Jake runs to the door and gives me a hug then my mom does the same.

"Do you want me to drive you Aves?" My mom asks and a shake my head no.

I walk out of the door and I see Jace my secret crush waiting for me. I start walking and he catches up. I try to fast walk to Nicole's house which is 2 houses away from mine. I hear Jace mumbling but I just ignore it. We are almost there when Jace says something to me but I didn't understand it.

"What are you mumbling now Jace?" I say and he looks at the sky and then back at me again. Whenever Jace is thinking he attends to mumble to himself.

" Um...we kind of...missed the... bus."he says quietly but loud enough that I can hear him.

"What, why didn't you speak up... ughhh, I guess we will have to just walk to school, its not that far right?"

"18 miles, but sure i guess you can call that "not far". That is kind of why I wake up at 6:15 so i can be at your house at 7:55... then the bus comes at 8:05." he says in a smartalik remark. He is not the nerdy boy he seems to be but he is. Like when he is around people he trusts, he acts like this. He is also very popular and he had alot of girlfriends but he rarely ever hangs out with them. So we are his only true friends.

we walk up to Nicole's house and i knock on the door. her mom opens the door and looks confused. she smirks at me then takes a swig at her whiskey.

"hi, where is Nicole?" i ask politely

she glares at Jace then slurs "she catch-ed a ride with her boyfriend... um... goodbye," she slams the door in front of us.

"well she ditched us again... i guess its just you and me Aves," jace says with a smirk on his face

"ughh... i guess so," i reply and jace smiles

We start walking and no one talks for a while but you can tell that jace is thinking because he is talking to himself. i cant believe Nicole always ditches us. well its not the first time she ran of with her boyfriend who is a junior in high school. she had about 22 boyfriends in the last month. she is kind of the slutty type i guess, she lost her virginity in 5th grade. i am only friends with her because she has no friends other then her slutty drunk party friends.

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