A Knife To The Throat

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"hey baka"

Great... I roll my eyes.

Leiko runs towards me.

"Mamoru, baka you kept me waiting" Leiko clings to me.

"you do know you don't need to hang on me ya know" I say impassionedly trying to get her off my arm.

"meene!!" she shouts as she lets go of my arm and the bell rings. Leiko grabs my hand and drags me into the school.


She ran through the forest leaping over sticks and stones; she was finally free, finally aloud to be herself. Her tatted cloak catches on a branch and she falls down the hill at the end of the wood. She tumbles and falls until she is caught but a tall boy; he has a very toned body and dandelion orange hair. He had deep blue eyes.

"um your staring at me" he says nervously whilst letting go of her.

"oh I'm sorry, I I I didn't realise" she says looking down; her hair surrounding her head like a tent in order to hide her blush.

"I'm Hikaru by the way" he says whilst scratching the back of his head. Hikaru notices a baseball bat laying on the floor.

"This yours?" he says softly as he hands it over to her. she lifts her face up and takes the baseball bat slitting it into the case that is slung over her back,

"my name is..." she stutters as the bell rings.

"sorry I've got to go, I hope to see you later" shouts Hikaru whilst he ran towards the school building.

She hung her head and whispered under her breath, "me too". She looked up, "and it might just be sooner than you think," she mumbles as she runs into the school.


"SAKIKO!! SAKIKO!!!!" Hikaru sprinted towards the girl sitting on a nearby bench- he was panting. Hikaru lowered his head and gripped his knees, trying to catch his breath.

"I'm so so so sorry Sakiko-chan" panted Hikaru as he franticly bowed his head. Sakiko stood up, "hey it ok," she said gently, "i don't mind, plus I wasn't waiting long."

"you really need to tell me when something bothers you, ya know," says Hikaru as they enter the school building.

"do you want to bother me?" Sakiko asks. Hikaru stops and grips Sakiko's shoulders.

"NO!!!" shouts Hikaru. Sakiko looks hurt, her lip is quivering and tears welb in her eyes. Hikaru lets go of her shoulders and stumbles back.

"I I I didn't mean it like that," stutters Hikaru, "I just want you to tell me how you feel." As if by magic Sakiko's tears disappear and are replaced by a huge grin.

"I'm fine thanks," beams Sakiko as she grabs onto Hikaru's arm.

"Man I swear this girl is bipolar" swet-dropped Hikaru as Sakiko drags him into the classroom.


Hikaru and Sakiko walked just as the teacher started the register.

"if you are going to come to school you might as well be on time." said the teacher.

"sorry mam'" said Hikaru and Sakiko in unison as they took their seats.

"Pisssst" Leiko whispered as she handed me a note under the table:

(author note: sorry about my spelling of the word "heard" I only just realised and I'm too lazy to fix it )

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(author note: sorry about my spelling of the word "heard" I only just realised and I'm too lazy to fix it )

I stared at the note blankly. Leiko suddenly pushes herself towards me and whisper-shouts:

"Did you hear about the new student." I jumped and fell backwards off my chair.

"Mamoru please reframe from tipping on your chair." said the teacher obviously un-impressed.. without warning the door slams open. Hikaru falls backwards on his chair and jumps up quickly.

"You, you, you" stutters Hikaru as he points at the girl that has just entered the classroom. She has deep red eyes and black hair. She has a rose pink and purple heart shaped locket on. she wore a star clip in her hair and multiple celestial badges on her leather jacket. she was holding a baseball and a large torn duffle bag. As I was staring her down, taking mental notes of her appearance, I noticed some blood dripping down her leg through her ripped jeans. Her porcelain skin was bruised and she had a black eye. A scar was peeping through the side fridge. We caught eye contact for a whole total of 3 seconds before she pulled her hair in front of her black eye.

"thanks foe helping me earlier.. Hikaru was it?" she said bowing her head.

"oh yer its ok," stuttered Hikaru as he took his seat.

"so are you just gonna introduce yourself or are we just gonna stand here?" said the teacher clearly annoyed by the incompetence of the younger generation.

"oh sorry, sorry" she stutters you could tell she was embarrassed. she took a deep breath and confidently said, "I'm Sakurako but my friends call me Saki," she paused, "well they would if I had any." her face turned red as she trailed off.

"Sakurako."mumbled Hikaru, he had his head down and a book over her face however despite his efforts a blush was still visible above the books rim.

"ok miss Sakurako could you please take a seat behind Mamoru," stated the teacher as she rolled her eyes at Hikaru's futile attempt at hiding his blush. Mamoru stood up and Sakurako walked towards him. The teacher started the lesson: "ok class, my name is miss, yes MISS NOT MRS, my husband left me last September for the drama teacher MRS empathises on MRS, husband stealer, marigold. As I was saying I'm MISSSSSSSSSSS Shelden. A buff looking boy was sitting besides Sakurako; I knew exactly who he was: Tsuyoshi- the captain of the sports team. Man I hated that guy; he was a flirt and a player; he'd draw in girls that he thought where attractive, he uses them then ditches them for the next pretty face.

"What's a pretty girl doing in down town Tokyo," wow he's a smooth talker, I wish I could tell him to shut up but I just don't have the guts. I watched her reaction through the reflection of window. Sakurako flutters her eyelashes, "you...you think I'm pretty?" sly dog he's playing right into her hands, He was leaning towards her when.. BANG!!!!!!! I turned my head so fast I was afraid I was going to get whiplash. The tables where tipped over and Sakurako had Tsuyoshi by the neck with a knife.

"I know your kind," stated Sakurako through gritted teeth, "you think you can take whatever you want, but not this time. If you ever," she drew the knife closer, "think about hitting on me again.." she paused, "well lets just say, she kept him bound as she removed the knife from his knife from his neck and swung the knife around pointing it at each individually boy, "if any of you even consider pulling a stunt like that, to me or anyone else; lets just say I won't be paying, you hospital bill." she dropped Tsuyoshi and he fell to the floor. She casually took her seat, "well what ya looking at." Sakurako said sarcasm apparent in her voice. Everyone quickly rushed to their seats as miss Shellden continued the class: "can we try not yo have anymore disruptions please."

"Cant' promise anything teach." stated Sakurako as she leaned back in her chair. Tsuyoshi kicked the chair leg and she fell backwards. I braced myself for the conflict that was about to start, but she just laughed. She laughed like their was no tomorrow and you know what , I laughed too; we all laughed : me, Sakurako, Sakiko, Hikaru; heck even Leiko and Tsuyoshi giggled.

And that's how my first day started. How if you told me that 6 people could change the worlds; that they where all in my class and that I was one of them. I would tell you that you where insane but I didn't know just how much power these 6 people had . well not until now.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 29, 2018 ⏰

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