Chapter 11

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*Toby's POV*

SHE WILL FUCKING PAY "I WILL KILL HER!" I screamed Masky hugged me to calm me down "better?" I nodded my head and he go "so what are we going to do with her?" Ej looked at me curiously "what do you say we do Toby "Ej asked "I'll tell you what I'-we are going to do with her we are going to tie her up and ditch her in the forest and leave her to starve then we grab her fucking face and stab it and then leave her to die sound good?" They all looked at me "dude whoa are you okay?" Masky asked I blushed " I just want to make her stop"

*masky's POV*

Jesus Christ toby really hates her i mean don't get me wrong we all hate her slutly ass but damn! "Sounds good!" Hoodie and I got the rope and Toby went to get clockslut all three of us waited in the forest for Toby "come on clock its this way" Toby ran towards us Ej ran out and graves her from the behind "what the fuc-" I hit her in the head with hoodies pipe Toby tied her up and hoodie kicked her in the face Ej shoved a cloth into her mouth so she doesn't scream and we tied up "see ya later slut!" We yelled at her. Toby jumped on my back and I chuckled "on wards! All abored the tim express" we all laughed as I ran towards the house with toby on my back "wanna have a waffle and cheese cake party?" I smirked at Toby's idea "hell yeah!" We all walked to the kitchen and hoodie got kidneys for Ej and we went upstairs to have a food party

Lol okay so it's not no one useful its me Noodlereader236 and I did this chapter so it's short no one useful asked me because she went to therapy and she didn't want to let her fans down so I did it hope you enjoyed it and she will see ya soon bye❤

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