Chapter 1

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Chris Halliwell narrowly dodged the swipe of a vampire's claws and telekinetically threw another against the wall of the warehouse where this particular group had made their nest.

It had been three weeks since he'd found himself in a different universe after trying to escape an attack from Darklighters under the control of Wyatt Halliwell, the Twice-Blessed good-witch-turned-warlock—and Chris's older brother. Since then the 21-year-old half-witch half-Whitelighter had found himself moving from town to town, tracking down demons and other supernatural threats and doing what he could to vanquish them. It was rather difficult when he didn't have the Halliwells' Book of Shadows to refer to and the beings in this universe were different from the ones he was used to dealing with. In between stealing food and clothes while trying to find places to sleep, Chris was doing as much research as he could via Internet cafes and public libraries.

The vampire growled in anger and bared his fangs before lunging at Chris again. Chris ducked, tried to dive aside and found himself trapped in a corner.

"Great," he muttered sarcastically then prepared to orb out.

Before he could orb, the vampire that cornered him was suddenly missing a head and the witchlighter was sprayed with dark blood.

The vampire fell to its knees then completely to the floor leaving a teenager with a machete standing in its place. The girl smirked at the man in front of her before turning his back to him to deal with the rest of the nest.

"A hunter and a witch walk into a vampire nest. How do you think the joke ends?" she asked over her shoulder as she took out a few more members of the nest.

Belle didn't usually interfere with supernatural creatures' wars, but she had heard that this witch wasn't like any that she'd seen before. Her curiosity had gotten the best of her so she took the three hour drive to the next to check it out. Her sources hadn't lied. This was an interesting case and she was determined to see it through.

Chris blinked vampire blood out of his eyes and sighed inwardly. So much for keeping his cover as a mortal hunter. If this girl knew he was a witch, then there wasn't much point in keeping his powers a secret any longer.

"The hunter and the witch walking out of the vampire nest," he answered before reaching out with his magic. He telekinetically grabbed one vampire by the throat and lifted it up into the air, concentrated on twisting the head at an unnatural angle so that the vampire broke its neck.

Chris let the vampire fall unceremoniously to the floor as he reached for a machete and brought it down hard. Faint satisfaction thrummed through him as the vampire's head became severed from its neck.

A few more dismembered heads hit the floor before the nest was cleared. Annabelle turned to the man and extended her hand for a handshake.

"I'm Annabelle Winchester. You've made quite a name for yourself in the hunter community considering no one knows your name or what you really are. You're not like the other witches. Nice to meet you, Mr....?"

"Perry. Chris Perry." He gave his usual alias without thinking. Even if Wyatt didn't exist in this universe, Chris didn't want to take the chance of anyone recognizing his family name and making the connection to the Charmed Ones—if the Charmed Ones existed in this universe and timeline. "And thanks, I guess. I'm assuming that comment about not being like other witches was a compliment?"

"As long as you don't suddenly decide to use your powers for evil, yes. I'm a Woman of Letters. Would you mind coming with me and answering some questions? You aren't in trouble. It's just for our files."

Chris tensed, bristled. I am not evil, he wanted to snap. Instead he forced himself to relax and accept her invitation. "Fine, if I absolutely have to. Lead the way."

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