Is it Love?

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      You walk into history and sit down and start zoning out, daydreaming of your perfect life. Only to be interrupted by a girl of bright blue eyes and curly brown hair and medium height with light skintone who came a couple of weeks after Rebal, she asks,"Hey, may i sit here, this is my first time in history class." You answer, "Why not? I could use the company."
       "My names Anastasia whats yours?"
" Oh Hello im (y/n)"
"Its so nice to meet you, im Rebal's sister, which you have music and english with i believe."
"Oh yes, he plays the drums very well how long has he played?"
"Since he was 3, always loved those beats." She giggles.
At the end of class you and Anastasia walk out with each other and unexpectedly realize your lockers are right next to each other. You overflow with excitement, having a friend after being lonely for a while feels great. "Well (y/n), i better get to art have fun in music, tell Rebal i said hi!" Anastasia says with enthusiasm. You wave goodbye and tell her to meet back up at lockers.
        As you walk through the wide blue doors and you step on to dark blue carpet and see instruments of all kind laying around with brown chairs at each one of the instruments. You look around and see the room filled with students talking but your eyes seem to look straight at Rebal as you looked around. You put your backpack down next to the others against the white wall and sit at your spot. Rebal sees you and waves with a big smile and begins to walk towards you. You feel nervous all of a sudden and have butterflies in your stomach, your confused why is this is happening, you only like him as friends, right?
        "Hey (y/n), have youve seen my sister, her names Anastasia, im hoping shes doing okay, she came after i did since she was suffering from an  illness." He says with a gloomy look but he immediately smiles again. "Uh yes, we have history together, shes really fun to be with. She tells me to say hi by the way."
      "Oh good, she was nervous she wasnt going to find friends and said dont worry, youll be fine, your cherry and happy, its what some people love!" You nod in agreement with a smile on your face and class begins.
      Towards the end or class, you start to pack away your guitar. You keep catching yourself looking at Rebal and sometimes making eye contact, which makes you turn beat red as a tomato. Whats going on with me? Ive never felt this before about him, just think about other things you like, maybe my feelings are mixed, havent had a boy-friend in a while, you think.
        When you walk out you see Carmen, who considers herself "popular girl", which im guessing shes never grown up from middle school. She walks over to you with her other 2 friends that are desperate for attention. "Well look who it is? (Y/n)! Why do you still come to school, no one wants to see that face of yours." You look away towards the ground hoping she would eventually leave. As she begins to speak a deep voice comes from behind and tells her off. "How about you take your cakeface to class and leave the girl alone." You turn to look and see Rebal and his bright blue eyes, looking right at you. You blush so hard your face feels like its burning. Carmen lets out a high pitched grunt and turns and walks away as she pouts, the crybaby.
       He puts his hands on your shoulders and asks if your okay. You nod, and hold back the tears, for this happens everyday. He hugs you and tells you he wont let them get to you again. You smile and feel your heart beat ever faster! You hug back, feeling the warmth of his body and his head resting on yours.

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