(1) The man, The myth

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"Fuck!" I cursed, hitting the palm of my hand against the black steering wheel of my car. The bonnet started to produce black smoke that discoloured the air around me. "Shit!" I cursed again, feeling the tears beginning to form in my eyes, but trying my best not to make them fall.

My car had broken down for the third time this week. Not only was it extremely stressful in the first place, but I was going to be late for an interview I had in less than an hour and I knew I wasn't going to get the job if I was three hours late, and I don't think the excuse 'my car broke down for the third time this week,' made it sound like I had my life together enough to earn the job title of 'Psychiatric Technician Assistant.'

It was a difficult title to get and I had worked hard to get far enough to get an interview to be one. But of course, because the universe is out to get me I couldn't even get to the interview.

I was on a back road, so I couldn't even ask someone for a lift to where the interview was held as the only vehicles that went by were tractors or the occasional car you'll get every half an hour.

I felt defeated.

As I still sat in my car I pulled my phone out my back pocket and began searching though my contact.

Ayla Carris
"No. She doesn't have a car "

"He lives no where near here"

"Getting ready for her holiday"

The man, The myth, The lege-
I smiled and laughed a little at the name Stephen put as himself on my phone as there wasn't enough characters left to put 'legend'.

I pressed 'dial' that was written next to his name and pressed the warm phone against my ear and listened to it ring.

Ring ring... ring ring... ring rin- "Quinn? Aren't you meant to be at an interview right now?" He said straight after answering the call. He began to talk again, and I could just tell by the way he was delivering the line, that it was going to be a joke.

"Stephen, now's not the time for jokes" I told him, cutting him off. I kind of felt sorry for cutting him off, but I really needed help right now. And jokes weren't going to help the situation I was in, in the slightest.

"Oh. I'm sorry. What's happened?" He asked, slightly worried now.

"Listen, my car has broke down and I really need you to come pick me up." I said, slightly in panic. I knew he was busy right now as he told me the night before he had plans with some of his friends. But I had nobody else to call in this time of need.

"Eh... I'm with my mate right now..."

"I'm literally stranded on a back road. I wouldn't have called if there was a way i could either walk home or get an uber but I kinda can't." I nervously laughed. After telling him that I heard shuffling about on his end of the phone and whispers that were bearly audiable.

I had never met Stephen's friends. In fact, he rarely talks about them. I know one of their names is either Will or Bill, I couldn't rember.

"Right. We're on our way. Send me your location" he told me. I could still hear him shuffling about, and telling his friend to lock the door behind him. "I'm driving now, we'll be there soon. Bye"


I had nothing to do other than sit and wait half and hour for them to get here. So Thats what I did.

My phone was only on 36%, but that didn't stop me from playing games on it until Stephen arrived. Tapping my phone furiously, I didn't realise the car that parked in front of me until I heard a tap on the driver seat window. It was Stephen.

I smiled in joy as I opened the car door and jumped out. I hugged him and said thank you over and over again.

"There's really no need to say thank you" He laughed.

I looked at the car Stephen had came in and noticed his friend still sitting in the passenger seat. "That's Will" he told me, opening the car bonnet to see what the problem was. "Just as I suspected. I have no idea what's happened to your car"

"Great" I sighed. "Now I need to wait for someone to come fix my bloody car now" I huffed and leaned against the vehicle, trying to think of something that would help.

"I'll wait for the guy and Will can drive you to your interview" he told me. My eyes widened slightly as I'm not the best around people I've never met, especially if I'm in a confined space with them.

"Really? You would do that for me?" I asked him. He nodded back as i wrapped my arms around him and thanking him a million times over.

He laughed "there's no need to thank me, just something a friend should do" he said as he gestured his friend to come out the car.

He smiled at us through the windshield and opened the car door to jump out and greet us. "Will this is Quinn, Quinn this is Will" he said as we both said 'hi' to each other.

"Fucking hate it when your car breaks down when you need it the most. Just the worst" Will laughed as he tried to start a conversation with me. I laughed along too, fixing the white snapback hat I wore so it shielded my eyes from the sun.

Stephen had left us and walked over to a quite place, just over the other side of my car to phone the guy that would be coming to fix my car. I could slightly hear him talking to him on the phone, but I was too engaged in the conversation with Will to understand what he was saying

"Yea. Third time this week" I told him.


"Yup. I really need a new car" I said as I watched him make a face to the comment I just made. "But I'm not exactly in the best position as I don't have a job. And I'm guessing I'm not going to get this one"

"No need to worry" he told me "as soon as Stephen tells us that he's got everything sorted then I'll drive you there" he smiled. He had a nice smile, I noticed. In only the few minutes I've talked to him I've realised he's quite attractive. Nice face structure; nice hair; nice... lips.

"Honestly, You have no idea how grateful i am"


A/N - hello to everyone reading this book. This is the first Chapter, and hopefully I will be updating soon to bring you the second one. If there's any spelling or grammar mistakes, please don't hesitate to tell me. Please comment and vote, thank you so much :)♡

Question - What's your favourite WillNE video?

My Answer - His tinder videos

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