Author's Note

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This story has been re-titled All the Broken Pieces and has been moved to Ream. If you loved this story and want to read it again or you were excited to hop into it you can find it here:

And you can find my Ream profile here:


Thank you so much for reading! This is the first book I ever wrote to completion, edited, revised, edited again and so on and so forth. I queried for a while before realizing that I want to write traditionally in the adult literary fiction and magical realism space. But I still wanted a place to share my YA ideas and work because YA was my gateway to reading and writing and my first love in the literary world! So I've been absolutely loving returning to sharing this book on Wattpad. This platform is where I drafted this book and it's been amazing to upload the finished version.

This book means so much to me. Zoie and Dean are characters that I've been with for five years now and I feel like I know them so well if they could be real people. They are my book babies for sure! If you've gotten to this note, I truly hope you enjoyed reading Zoie's story as much as I enjoyed writing it. Getting her character right came from some personal experience and A TON of research. And she has become so special to me.

Which is why I am not ready to say goodbye just yet and I hope, readers, that you aren't either! I'm working on a book 2 (keep in mind, when I begin posting, book 2 might not be as polished or edited as book 1. I'll be posting from a draft 2 or 3 stage instead of a professionally edited and completed stage) and I have some bonus content from book 1 that I want to share!

The next chapter after this note will be a sneak peek at chapter 1 of book 2! And then I'll have some bonus scenes featuring the supporting characters without Zoie, some scenes from Zoie's life before she met her Aunt Harper, and some scenes from book 1 in the POV of other characters! So, if you like that kind of thing, stay tuned:)

And thank you again so much for reading this book. Having a space to share Zoie's story makes me so incredibly happy. Every time I get a notification that readers are enjoying this book it's just the best feeling in the world!

- Robyn

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