Chapter 8

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We kept our eyes locked with each others. No one said a word; there was just too much tension to speak.

That was until Bryson's voiced sliced through the silence.

"Alright now I'm kind of getting bored. If you two aren't going to start throwing punches or jump down each other's throats, I'm leaving."

My jaw dropped at his suggestive words. As if I would ever place my lips against Hunters pink plump ones that he bites way to much for his own good.

"Both options sound absolutely horrible." Alex physically cringed and I nodded.

Meanwhile, Hunter stood there his eyes still locked on a different part of me; my lips.

"Can I help you country boy?"

His eyes snapped back up to mine.

"Not at all city girl."

He smirked and turned around walking back into what I'm assuming is his room.

I turned back to Bryson and Alex to only find that Bryson was still here.

"So what now Win?"

"Can you please show me my room? I'd like to lay down for a little."

" that..."

"What's wrong?"

"You have to share a room"

"Oh that's fine I really don't ca-''

"-with Hunter"


"I'm sorry Winter, but there is only two rooms in here and only Hunter's room has an extra bed. Alex and I share a room, as well as a bed."

"Is it okay if I just take the sofa?"

"If you want, but it can get really cold and scary out here during the night."

"I'm a big girl I can handle it."

"Okay fine, but if you need anything call one of us."

"Thanks Bry."

"Anytime Win, goodnight."

With that he gave me a warm smile and left shutting the door behind him at one end of the hall. On the opposite end was Hunter's room.

I looked between both rooms and wrapped myself up in the blanket that was draped over the sofa.

I've only been here a day and so much has already happened.

As I laid in bed, I played a little movie in my head from the start of the day to now. Soon enough I was out like a light.

Hunter's POV:
3:44 AM
She drives me crazy. Everything about her leaves me on edge but at the same time at peace.

She isn't afraid to talk back to me, or put me in my place. Which shocks me, because no girl has ever spoken back to me.

I'm not sure if I hate it, or love it?

I wonder why she didn't come to my room. Not that I wanted her to, but I'm just curious to know where she is.

Okay maybe I should check on her. Not that I care but she could have been stupid enough to leave the safe room.

With that idea in my head I got up and walked outside to find the most adorable yet undeniably heart breaking sight of my life.

The she was; Winter ; wrapped up in a thin blanket on the sofa shivering her little self out. She was a tiny girl, I would say maybe 5'4? Well she was much smaller than my brothers and I. I stood at a good 6'5.

I walked over to he sleeping self and contemplated my next move.

I didn't want to leave her out here to freeze but I also didn't want to take her to my room. It would send the wrong message. Yet again, mother would kill me if I let the girl die of hypothermia out here.

After thinking it over a little more, I bent down and picked her up. She instantly curled up into my arms trying to gain heat as my body radiated it.

I smiled down at her, because she actually looked adorably innocent.

As I carried her back into my room I started putting her down on the extra bed but she wouldn't let go of me. Her body was still ice cold.

So, I carried her over to my bed and laid us both down. As much as I don't want to share a bed with Winter at any given moment or time, I would have felt extremely guilty if I left her cold like that.

At first her body faced away from me and then I felt her wrap her little self across my body.

I was taken back by her actions but let her be. With that I placed my arm around her which she unknowingly snuggled into and knocked out.

This is going to be rough to explain in the morning.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 19, 2018 ⏰

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