01, We will leave everything to you

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Tentai Pov: 

"Dad look look!" I saw Miyuki waving her hands at me. "I can do these jutsu! Lightning jutsu: Striking lightning!" What happened next is a standee made of hay was roasted, he was surprising that at such a young age, she could master such jutsu. But I should be proud of her, after all she wants to become a legendary ninja.

"That's great miyuki!" I said happily while grinning with a thumbs up, her eyes sparkled. "Well show me some other jutsu you have perfected, then if you did really perfected the jutsu you can have a chance to challenge me!" Her eyes even sparkled more, I put up a statue so she will hit that statue, if it gets destroyed completely means she mastered that jutsu.

"Shinseina geijutsu: Itsutsu no tengoku no hakai no hashira!" [ Sacred art : 5 heavenly pillars of destruction! ] five heavy pillars circled around the statue, I was surprised she could even mastered such a jutsu! When it landed on the ground, with the target inside it, a hole was left, the target completely gone. I repaired it using my power since I'm a god and put up a new one, she was drawing something on the ground using a stick, a jutsu that requires an incantation. "Flames beneath the earth, flames of the heaven, flames of the fire dragon and god, flames of hell, unbearable flames and heat, the flames that no being is able to withstand! Rise above the earth, rise and hover the sea, rise up to the skies and to the heavens! Kyukyoku no hi no geijutsu: Akai yakedo no hono!" [ Ultimate fire art: Red scorching flames! ] A scarlet red fire wrapped the statue, then it turned into like a star exploding, I already casted a barrier around us.

She was panting, meaning she's exhausted. Restoring everything, I pat her head. "Well it seems you proved it, you're exhausted, you used up half of your chakra. Don't worry tomorrow you can challenge me, I just want to be fair with my daughter." She nods happily, after bringing her to her room, I closed it silently. However I stared at the sky, I know that kaguya has some intentions of killing my wife ginhyo, her power is unimaginable because I knew that the spirit of the divine dragon god is inside her, kaguya wants that power so luckily after father I was to be married to a princess I immediately agreed.

The 1st great war, a war between beings. Gods vs shinobis/humans vs demons. Gods and dragons are allied so yeah, will begin if kaguya can't be killed and the divine tree removed this world will end. Our child along with someone strong will surely bring peace to this world, will be the ones to defeat kaguya. However even if I'm against, the price she will pay is the world will be like on her shoulders, and mostly she had to be careful because once I've sealed kaguya and passed my powers to her along with ginhyo doing the same, she'll be the strongest ninja.

"Are we sure about this, tentai?" Isaw ginhyo with a sad smile, I couldn't help but nod at her question. She slightly narrowed her eyes, we were at a mountain so no one could hear us, I can sense any chakra so for now it's just me and ginhyo. "Both of us are against it, but this is an order from the gods, I know you're a god but what shall we do is to put our very trust to the child, she's the chosen one after all. This is the price that the chosen one should pay and should accept it............"

We were out of our thoughts when we saw the village of the celestial skies which is located in the sky is on fire. We used pulsing speed, Both of us widened our eyes to see kaguya standing in the middle of he village. My brother Shinsei immediately appeared. "Brother, father and mother have Miyuki-chan safe, it seems mother predicted the attack, so no shinobis or the people were injured. All you saw is a part of my illusion jutsu." That's fine at least, me and ginhyo sighed in relief.

"Go and stay on miyuki's side, brother." I ordered him. "With your ower, I can see she'll be safe in your hands, go now and protect my child..." After a quick nod he sped off to protect her, me and ginhyo draw the incantation, we will finish this in two attacks! "Ninja art: Four crimson ray formation!" Since both of us has immense strength we were able to cast it, but there's also an another way, a strength of a hokage class shinobi should work together. Both of our eyes where white. "Ketsugo gijutsu: Chitose hashira!"

We felt a strong pull, our body in pain, we knew kaguya is sealed for only a few hundred years, While I stared at the sky, I combined mine and ginhyo's powers and chakra to miyuki, everyone else used their lives to make kaguya be sealed for a long time. I muttered my last words to no one.......please miyuki.

"We will leave everything to you."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 20, 2018 ⏰

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