A Different Perspective

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Hi! I'm Willow Bane. My parents are Aspen and Sky Bane. I have an older brother, Thunder, and a younger sister, Lavender.

Thunder looks kinda like dad but with hair that falls into his silver eyes and freckles. But he never talks. Mom says he's never said a word in his life. That's kinda bad because Thunder is seventeen years old.

Lavender looks like aunt Red with short, pure red hair, purple eyes, and freckles. Sis is fifteen years old and acts a lot like our aunt.

I looked like mom but I had dad's eye color, long hair, and I was tall like dad. Of course I never think about what I'm gonna do until after I do it. I also had a shorter temper then dad.

We all had our Lightbolt mark on our left arms because we were told about our powers when we were little. Dad says that we are part Were and should be able to shift soon. None of us knew when though.


AN: This chapter was kinda bland but the story will get better. Keep reading!!!


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