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How could she be like this?! I literally just did her the biggest favor by ridding of that deadbeat fiance, Jace! And this is how she thanks me?!

I could feel her blood pulse on my palms as my hands were wrapped securely around her delicate neck. She tried kicking me but that failed to phase me. My anger and frustration from her lack of understanding got in the way of any kind of physical pain.

After awhile, I started to calm down, so I decided to let her go. I didn't even realize she had stopped kicking.

"Now, have you learned your lesson today? Talking back is unacceptable with me, Mai." I said, lowering her down and leaning her against the wall.

She didn't move at all and her eyes were closed. Perhaps the shame of yelling at me really took a toll on her.

"Alright, darling, that's enough. Let's get you cleaned up and ready for bed."

She didn't respond.


The hand prints around her neck began to turn a dark shade of purple and red while the shade around the prints were blue. Her chest wasn't moving at all which meant she didn't gasp any air in as soon as I let go.

"M-Mai, sweetheart, are you okay?" I knelt down and placed my index finger under her nose.

She wasn't breathing.

"Mai, wake up." I began to gently shake her but nothing happened. "Mai, please wake up!"

No matter how hard I shook her, her body just flopped around, lifeless and losing warmth.

"Oh God." I muttered, stumbling backwards. "Oh- oh no n-no I- didn't I didn't mean to- oh God."

I heard a ringing sensation engulf my ears and my body felt faint. Did I- did I just- kill Mai? 

I quickly picked her up off the floor and brought her to our bed, placing her gently on the covers.

"Ugh, now look what you've done." I said, then quickly covered my mouth.

"Wh-what I've done? No! You did this! I didn't want to hurt her!" I yelled, then covered my mouth again to stop him from talking.

Suddenly, I slapped my face.

"Me?! I'm the one who got her here remember? She'd be married to Jace by now if I hadn't, you stupid idiot! You should be thanking me!"

"Ow! Don't hit me! A-and thanking you?! She hates me! And that's all your fault!"

He then took a blow at my stomach.

"Yes thanking me! I saved you from dad remember? I saved you from Dr. Jung and prison! So yeah, you better thank me!"

"I never asked you to! I never even wanted you! I was fine just being friends with Mai in college, you're the one who developed the obsession!"

"What the actual hell are you talking about?! You were just as obsessed with her as I was and you know it!"

"And look where that got us?! We killed her." I cried.

"No, you killed her. I'm just in your head, remember?"

Then, it hit me. This other me, was something I made up to cope. He isn't real.

"You are in my head. Which means, I have control over you."

"Hahahahahah! That's real funny Tae Tae, really it is. I mean, which one of us has the sex appeal? The brains? The strength and charm to seduce Mai and any woman at all for that matter? Oh, that's right, me! So I'd say, I'm in control of you."

I walked over to the dresser mirror, looking at myself and then at the reflection of Mai on the bed behind me.

"She meant everything to me, and you took her away. How could I let that happen?" My eyes began to water as I looked at Mai's pale, lifeless body laying on the bed.

Then suddenly, my head felt like it was on fire as an odd, stinging pain flushed inside.

"Ah! What the-"

My face began to twitch and my limbs and fingers cramped in stiff positions.

"What are you doing? Stop!"

"No! I don't want you anymore!" I cried.

My head ached with the most pain I've ever endured, causing me to fall to my knees as I started crying.

"Stop it you pathetic worm! You can't survive without me and you know it!"

I didn't respond.

"Don't do this Tae Tae! Mai only loves you because of me! You need me! Mai needs me!"

"No! She doesn't need you! I don't need you!" I screamed.

The firey pain spread to the back of my neck as I felt his hold on me begin to lose it's grip. I've never had this much control over him.


"Get! Out! Of my head!!!!"

I screamed with everything inside of me, trying to break him away. I've lost everything because of him; I'm just as trapped as Mai, but not anymore. Taking her away from me was his final curtain. I've had enough!

"Get out now!!"

And, through the midst of screaming, sorrow, and suffering, an overwhelming freedom surrounded me. The burning ache in my head and  neck quickly disappeared and my stiff limbs relaxed. There was no inkling of him at all. I did it. After all these years of suffering from his wrong doings, I finally killed him.

It was then that I heard the ruffling of bed sheets behind me.

"Mai? Mai?! Oh my God!"

Before running to her aid, I quickly grabbed the safe that was hidden under the bed, spinning in the combination and pulling out the only phone that was in this house. After, placing the battery back into the device, I turned it on a dialed in a number.


The sound of painful, deep screams had woken me up. To be honest, I thought I had died. I suppose I just- passed out. Well, if I didn't pass out soon enough, I'm sure Taehyung would've killed me anyway.

My vision was blurry and my throat felt raw as I tried to swallow saliva. When the blurriness began to fade, I noticed Taehyung rushing over to me, and the fear I felt when he nearly choked me to death flooded back.

"Mai. Mai it-it's alright." He spoke worriedly.

I tried crawling to the other side of the bed, but he gripped my arm and pulled me back. But, to my surprise, he was extremely gentle about it.

"No no no shhhh it's okay I'm I'm not going to hurt you, Mai."

I began to cry as he pulled me closer to him, unable to speak as my bruised throat prevented me to.

"D-don't cry! It's okay now Mai, h-he's gone. He won't hurt you anymore okay I promise I I even called the police they're on there way right now. It's going to be okay."

"You wh-what?" I muttered.

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