3- Dare

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We had been walking around town for-ever. When we stopped for some sodas at Greasys. And guess who was there? AMARIS!

"Amaris!" I squeled running over to the bar stool she sat at. She turned around frowning but broke into a wide grin as she saw me.

"Mabel? What are you doing here?" She said hoping off the bar stool and pulling out a wallet from her back pocket.

"Hanging with my friends! This is Grenda and this is Candy!" I said introducing them each in turn.

"We're drinking sodas" Grenda yelled

"Well i'll leave you too it then!" She said placing money on the table and beginning to walk away.

"Wait!" I yelled running after her "Why not hang with us and then you can come to the mystery shack!" I suggested beaming.

"That's ok, i'm still not finished with my business."

"Then why were you here?"

"Because i'm looking for somebody"

"Really who?" I asked suddenly intrigued. I knew like EVERYBODY!

"Uh... im not sure of his name"

"Oh. What's he look like?"

"Um, yellow..."

"Like hair?" I Inquired thinking she forgot that part.

"Yes?" She answered. It almost sounded like more of a question though.

"What else?"

"Triangular..." she whispered


"I-I mean he usually wears a tophat and bowtie, he's very fancy"

"Huh... that doesn't sound familiar. Maybe he got here while me and my bro were gone i'll go ask Candy and Grenda"


I was glad to be done with that conversation. How the fuck are u supposed to describe a dream demon in human terms!? Luckily she ran to ask her friends if they know of someone with that odd description. I was debating on just leaving when I saw her walking back towards me.

"Nope they haven't seen anyone like that! Sorry"

"It's no problem" I said more than ready to leave.

"You sure you don't wanna stay and hang?" She pleaded

"Sorry he's the whole reason for my visit" I said pulling out some sunglasses and putting them on. I was getting impatient, undoubtedly my eyes would start shifting any second now.

"Oh ok, bye then" If this annoying mortal doesn't leave soon I'm gonna- I stopped mid-thought staring at her new sweater. well i'll be damned... 

"yeah... " I said hesitating a second before leaving. Her sweater had a very familiar symbol. Huh, I had found shooting star. I may have to keep an eye on her. Who knows she may even lead me to THE pine tree. Oh how'd that be fun, but first to find and kill the demon who betrayed me. Shooting star could wait to die.


I was ecstatic I just had THE BEST time with Wendy. We sat on the roof and talked about how much we hated high school! It was great. Now I was on my old bed smiling at the ceiling like an Idiot.

"Dipper!" I heard grunkle Ford's voice from downstairs

"Coming!" I yelled. I got downstairs and grunkle ford looked at me seriously.

"Come with me Dipper" I followed slightly concerned. He lead me into the forest down an unmarked path he seemed to have memorized by heart. He stopped suddenly turning to me. "Now whatever you see Dipper you must not scream. Understand?"

"Y-yes. What ar-" I started.

"No, no questions yet. After you see... him." I gulped nodding. Great uncle Ford looked at me for a second before proceeding into a small clearing where my arch enemy stood. My first instinct was to scream but a split second echo of Ford's voice in my head told me not too. This was too important. After several seconds I realized it was just a statue and regained my sense of calm, although I could never really feel safe too close to... him.

I turned to my great uncle mouth agape. i was about to speak when he held his finger to his lips. I nodded still in shock as he lead me back to the mystery shack and down into his lab. That's when I couldn't keep my mouth shut any longer.

"HOW!? WHY? When did you discover him? Is he alive? Can he come back? Who knows about this??"

"How? I believe it has something to do with how his physical form turned into stone when he entered Stanley's mind. I have no clue as to why. I found it about a week after you left and began studying it. I'm not sure if it's just a mark of his physical form or if he could come back through it, then again I'm still unsure of if any of him came back when all of Stanley's memories came back." I stared at him in shock as he explained it all to me very depressingly.

"A-and who knows?" I asked my heartbeat quickening at the thought of Bill returning.

"Me, you and Stanley" He said face blank. "You must not tell Mabel"

"What! Why not?" I asked completely flabbergasted.

"She gave bill the rift in the First place! She's irresponsible Dipper."

"Yeah... but we've never kept secrets from each other..." I stated thinking of what happened the last time I kept a secret from her.

"Dipper, you know it's for the best"

"Fine!" I said giving in. Besides, nothing THAT bad could possibly happen again just because of one little secret right?

"Good, this brings me too my next point. I trust you."

"um... thanks?"

"I've been spending majority of my time studying the statue but I would still like to get back to my studies of the mysteries of this town because I still believed we haven't discovered half of the mysteries here."

"wow really?" I ask intrigued

"Yes and I want you to continue to help me like before but everyday you still must go to the statue and do a brief check up on and around it. I'll make a list for you, you remember the way don't you?" I thought for a second remembering the path to the statue. 


"good, ill give u the list tomorrow" he said. "Go relax, you've had a long day"

"o-okay" I say as I begin to climb the stairs to my old room. I can't help but let my thoughts wander back to Bill and what that statue could mean.

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