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a/n: first time writer so it might be crappy


"Chloe come on ask her out already." Lauren was my best friend so she kept pushing me to ask her out. 

"I don't know how many times I have to tell you, no." 

"Will you at least ask her for her number?"

"Fine." Hesitantly I walked over to Addison and asked her "Umm.. Hey I'm having a party this weekend but I'm sending the info through text... so, uhh whats your phone number?"

Butterflies grazed the pit of my stomach as she read out her phone number " 7-8-6-3-5-0-5-6-4-6" I wrote it down as quick as possible. Lauren screeched when I returned to our table at the coffee shop. We had been going to this coffee shop since the first day of college and we always sat at the same table each time. For the past few months Addison and her best friend Valentino had been going to the same coffee shop. 

"Shut up she might hear you, but thanks for pushing me to do that."



"Valentino your an ass." Can you believe this? He was mocking me  for blushing. That ass.

"You know it Addie."  He returned fire with his witty comebacks, as usual. My crush since I first saw her in our college history class just asked me for my phone number, it was for a party but still, It was was something... It meant I had a chance,


I had waited for days but no text... Just as my mind uttered those thoughts my phone rung, but it wasn't an invitation.. just a hello.

from xxx-xxx-xxxx

anonymous: hey...

Addison: hello

Addison: who is this

anonymous: well wouldn't you like to know 


"Give me phone back," I screamed at the top of my lungs. Lauren had taken my phone to text Addison, but I gave up she took over my phone and I let her. I wanted to see what would happen. 

Addison : yes, yes i would 

anonymous:  well what if i said i wanted to stay anonymous 

Addison: well will you at least tell me your age 

and gender so i know you wont kill me

anonymous: im 20 and im a girl 

Addison: then what do you want with me

anonymous: i just want you

anonymous: but for now we can just be friends... 

                            is that ok with you

Addison: yeah we can be friends but will you at 

least give me a nickname to call you

anonymous: ok you can call me C

Addison: ok C how are you?

I finally got possession of my phone back so I went scrolling to see what my crazy best friend had told Addie. What had she done? Should I keep it up? Should I tell her who it really was?"Play along and see how it goes or else you will never know." Lauren was right maybe if i played along we could become something in the future.

"Fine I'm going to keep it up for as long as I can to see what happens." Lauren screeched the minute the words left my mouth, I instantly regretted it. So i was decided i was going to keep up with what Lauren had started.


As I showed Valentino the text messages he laughed and said "You have a secret admirer, why am I not surprised." Why was it no surprise that i had a secret admirer? Who cares why, what I need to figure out is who this C person was. I wasn't friends with anyone that called themselves C.

For weeks I talked to everyone I knew and still I din't know who it was?

Addison: i have been searching for weeks and i still dont

 know who you are could you at least give me a hint

C: well i guess you didnt know where to look 

C: i will give you a proposition so you can narrow it down

i will be at D's Coffee Shop at 4 tomorrow see you there ;)

This was my spot with Valentino so how did C know about it? It was off campus but my last class ended at 3 so I would make it in time. I had to tell Valentino. As I ran to his dorm I was trying to piece the words together. 

"She wants to meet at D's Coffee Shop tomorrow at 4" 

" Wait how did she know that we go there"Valentino seemed scared it was hilarious he was scared because someone had been watching us. 

What the hell was I gonna do. Should I show up? Should I just stay home? What if this person kidnaps me, what would I do then? No, you know what I wasn't going to back out. I never did anything risky, I always played by the book and I was done with that shit. I was going to go meet this girl at D's Coffee Shop and see what happens after that. 


I finally summed up the courage to do something and even though I was probably going to regret it that brunette just turned the switch for me and made me do things I never thought possible. So I was going to do it and do it proud. But if I told Lauren she was going to come with me and might give me away. I had to keep it from her and do it myself. 

Shit I couldn't do this. I had to call Lauren. "Ok ok so I told her to meet me at D's Coffee Shop and I want to do it myself but I don't think I'm brave enough." 

Her only reply was" Get your ass together and listen, you have to sum up the courage somehow and do it yourself or else you wont do anything so your gonna show up tomorrow to D's Coffee Shop and be the strong brave person I know you are." 

I broke down, I started crying my eyes out"Ok Lauren I will do this not only for me but for you too."

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