first encounter

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Josies POV

Today is just another day of dance. I love it . its my life. Its just the people that go there, I have heard things. Yes today I start the juillen dance academy. Best in the world and its here in Canada. Cold old boring canada. why cant I live some where exotic like england with all of the british people that would be so cool, they are just all so polite. I use to live there from the age of 3 to 7 but then we moved away and i had to leave all of my friends behind. I know , I know i was only 7 but still my friends ment alot to me and i didnt want to lose them . Since then i didnt really make any new ones and im now 18 . Forever alone with my dancing.

"hello class welcome to todays lesson and we even have a new student with us today miss white"

"josie just call me josie"

"ok..... josie how about you show the class what you can do "

I new i would have to do this so i was prepared. I turned on the music and it was casual affair by panic! at the disco. my favourite band ever! when I was finished i got a round of applause from everyone but kelsey chapman. The posh bitch of the class. she gave me the evils and then turned away. Her load screaching voice covered all clapping.

"alright people come on lets move on and do some real dancing" 

"I thought it was pretty good and I think we should do that style dance for our next project!"

"brilliant idea zachary" the teacher praised "okay now chose your partners "

"zachy come on your going with me right" kelsey said so girly it made me want to vomit!

"urgh i dont know i think we should go with other people today . Hey Jose can i go with you ?"

"yeah sure thing ....zach ?"

"yeah not zachary or zachy just zach"

"your funny and cute... i mean not in that kind of way but in a you know small animal kind of way not that your an animal or anything. Im just going to stop talking now"

he laughed that low voiced kind of laugh that makes you melt. Kelsey gave me a death stare as a warning to stay away as if he were hers. Who could blame her . He is gorgeous. Thick brown hair and eyes so dark you could almost fall into them. Perfect.

"So what song do you want to dance to ?" he asked

"any panic! at the disco song i love them so much and im good at dancing to them"

"i can tell . how about this is gospel or end of all things or even collar full?"

"oh my god end of all things "

"ok i will pick you up at 10:30 tomorrow morning . where do you live ?"

" 20 minutes from here ave do you know it ?"

"yeah thats like 5 minutes from my house!"

"your kidding ?"

"no i guess i will see you then "

"not if i see you first"

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