Chapter Five

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Yo guys! How are we all today? I'm very well. So I'm kind of looking forward to this chapter, see, I managed to get it done earlier than expected and finished planning it in my English lesson. Anyway, enjoy yourself and I'll see you later.

That evening, Rich dug out his old 'apocalypse of the damned' from years ago. He wasn't quite sure what kind of games Michael liked, but he was sure that he liked zombie themed games. 

Taking another breath in, Rich went upstairs and looked himself in the mirror, he slicked his hair back, "I'm ready." He said in fake confidence.

And so, when the time finally came, Rich was a nervous wreck, this was probably a terrible idea, but he was in too deep. He couldn't back down now. Rich made his way to the kitchen, his parents weren't there, they never were, that was a good thing. He paced the floor, today was just a day with his friend, not a day to figure his feelings out.


On his way, Michael decided he needed to stop at seven eleven. A nice cold slushie. was just what he needed, he was pretty nervous, he hadn't hung out with anyone in so long, let alone with a boy that once upon a time he couldn't even talk to.

Nevertheless, he decided that this was good for him, he'd lost his friendship with Jeremy, (or so he thought). Maybe he and Rich could become closer, that'd be nice. 

"He's been so nice recently, I wonder why." He thought to himself. 

Not that it was a bad thing. He was just curious, it could've been something to do with the squip. Anyhow, Michael was sure that this could be the start of a wonderful friendship.


And at half past one he showed up with a red slushie in one hand and a blue slushie in the other. When he and Jeremy would play videogames, he'd give Jeremy the blue slushie and he'd have the red. It was only fair that he treated rich the same.

"Hey Rich!" Michael yelled, shoving his blue slushie in Rich's direction.

"Hey Michael, what's this?" Rich asked in confusion, but taking the slushie all the same.

"Oh...I'm...see, when I used to play videogames with Jeremy, I'd bring over slushies, he'd have the blue and I'd have the red." He tried to explain. "But if you don't want it, I can take it back and-"

"No! It's fine, it's really n-nice of you." Rich smiled at his slushie. "Come on in."

Michael grinned as he made his way in to the house.

It was quite large, that was for sure. He walked into the foyer, the room itself wasn't as you'd expect a modern day home to look, it looked like it was taken out of the 20's.

"It's a very nice place, you got." Michael said, looking around.

"Don't touch anything!" Rich warned. "My parents will kill us both!"

"Oh right." Michael stepped away from anything he was able to break.

"I think you'd better come with me." Rich took Michael by the hand.


"I didn't know what kind of games you liked, but I knew you liked zombie themed games, so-" Rich turned and showed Michael the 'apocalypse of the damned'.

Michael's eyes immediately lit up. "Apocalypse of the damned?" He said, taking the case from Rich's hands. "I love apocalypse of the damned!"

"I love apocalypse of the damned." Rich attempted to contain his excitement. "I haven't played it in such a long time, so I might be a bit rusty."

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