Chapter 04

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Boys.They were so damn cute,adorable but some of them used to be jerks.Unlike girls,they seem didn't understand that people had feelings.They could say anything on their mind despite the possibility of being offensive.These led to many guys pointing out about my weight,my appearence.Never a pleasant for me.

Boys never gave me much attention since there were always girls whom is much more skinny and prettier than me that they could go after.That meant the only guys who did go after me were desperate which was why I was suspicious of Heiden.

As usual,I was in my English class.I was sitting at my usual spot.Heiden was also there,so I was eye-ing him suspiciously.I did not understand.He wanted to protect me,but the question was why?Why on earth he wants to protect me the new fat girl,he didn't look like a geniunely nice guy either.

After a bit while,he seemed to notice that my eyes was on him.His eyes ddifted to where I sat and a small smirk seen on his face.He was definetely not a nice guy.

"Are you scared of me?",he suddenly asked.

My eyes widened in surprise.I couldn't believe it,he could tell.My cheeks turned red as I shook my head head virgously.

"Liar.",he said."I won't hurt you"


"Cause I'm not that type of guy whom go around beating up random girls?"

"No,why are you helping me?" I asked

He shrugged "I don't know".

He closed his eyes.He looked tired,exhausted of everything.If he was my friend,I would petted him,even if that sound weirdo.

I suddenly felt mad,angry at him.No one does anything just for no reason,especially something like this.He did know why,he was just trying not to tell hurh?

Without my own expectation, "You do know!" I blurted out.

His eyes opened and he stared at me.A smirk formed on his face.


I blushed and turned around.I was done with this conversation.If he wasn't going yo tell,I wasn't going to try more.That was the type of person I was.

"It's because you remind me of someone I used to know",he suddenly said. "End of the story.That's it" he spoke again.

I looked at him.He was closing his eyes again.Interesting.I reminded him of someone he used to know.New question was;who and why?

I watched Lauren whispering something to her partner.Her partner,Billy then nodded his head.They're a good partner.Lauren then git up and walked towards me.From what I could see,she didn't understand the situation of me and Heiden.That frustrated me,she was genius so if she didn't know or understand,then whi did?

Lauren said;"I really dont know,Anne.I barely knew Heiden before,but he always came off as an evil.It's kind of weird seeing that he has a nice side".

"Yeah",I sighed.

His intentions were his own.Even if they did involve me,I wouldn't allow them to get to me.If he wanted to protect me then let it so.

"Well,you're lucky.He's pretty cute",Lauren said.

I stared at her.Blankly.He was?

She laughed then."Come on,it's so obvious.If he wasn't so scary for you,you'll find out.Every girls chasing after him".

I remember the day I met him.I actually did find him attractive but I forgot about that because of how scary he was that time.Whuo.Lauren was right.Every girls trying to chase after him but not me ofcourse.Cute guys were never great news for me.

"Do you think I can trust him?" I suddenly asked.

Lauren looked at me and I blushed.She already pointed out kindly that I was quite insecure,so she wanted to help me.

"Yah,so far he's been helping you",she replied.

I realised it was true.He did help me a lot,so far,and I appreciated it.But I still wonder why?Boys never paid attention to me.So why would this pretty scary attractive guy pay any?

"Guys don't pay attention to me,so why he is?",I asked.

"Anne,guys can smell insecurities without trying.Guys know how hard those girls are so they try to stay away from them",she replied.

I sighed.That didn't make any sense.It was because of the,I was so imsecure in the first place.

Sensing my thoughts,Lauren said;"You know you're not fat.You're just chubby,but it's cute.Additional,you're pretty".

I looked away.I didn't believe those words she gave to me.

School period of the day was over.I walked to my locker.

"Hey",someone's voice I can't really recognise.

"Hey",I replied.

He was now standing beside me,put his hand on my locker.

"New here?",he asked softly.

"Yeah",I nodded.In the same time I looked on my feet,don't really want to look at his face because insults will all I got.

"Oh,I'm Bryan.Bryan Hooker.Nice to meet you",he said.

"Anne Lincoln,Anne for short",I looked up and he gave me a sweet smile."what a nice name",he said."Thanks",I make a plan to walk away."Wanna hangout?",shocked me."hmmm yeah sure",I replied and walked away.

I seriously don't get all this.He looked like a jerk but who knows he's trying to be kind.He's pretty handsome anyway.

As I'm waiting for my dad to fetched me up,I sat on a bench near the cafeteria.

"Anne",I turned and saw Heiden.

"emm hey",He then sat beside me and that's shocked me."ya what's up?",I asked him.

"I saw you talked with Bryan",he said which shocked me even more.

"Yeah and so?",I asked curiously.

"He asked to hangout?or maybe a date?",He asked.

"seriously?from where did you know?",full of curiousity,"Just don't.He is a jerk",he said then he got up and walked away.

He was scary,weird and unpredictable.

Bryan is a jerk?What's up with boys nowadays?

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 27, 2019 ⏰

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