MGLA; Chapter 1

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This was it.

Mikuo Hatsune stared up at the giant school, clutching his deep blue messenger bag and a few heavy boxes.

He was finally moving into his college. His mother had been overprotective beforehand, and didn't allow him. But Miku, his older sister, was able to get into their mother's head and get her to allow him to go.

She had just dropped him off; he had apparently been dropped off at the wrong entrance and had to walk around the school. By now, his arms were burning to high hell and he just wanted it over with, but ignored the feeling and walked in, emotionless, to the office.

"Hello, how may I help you?" The lady, a pink-haired, 20ish woman asked, giving him a light smile. "Wait a minute, aren't you--"

"Could you tell me where my room is?" He asked, interrupting her. He already knew she was going to ask about her brother, his ex-friend.

She nodded and looked at his ID, clipped onto his shirt, and showed him a map.

"This is us." She said, pointing to a circle. "The Pitchloid department is on the top floor, and room 625 is......" She searched for a second before finally pointing to a room at the edge. "Here. I can take you If you'd like."

"I'd like that, if you don't mind..."

She nodded and stood, pressing the button on her walkie talkie.

"Cul, fill in for me for about ten minutes." She said, then quickly stepped away from her seat. Seconds later, a reply of 'On it' was heard, and then an opening appeared in the ceiling and a red haired girl dropped down, spinning in the chair as she laughed.

"Woo-hoo!" She stopped and smiled widely at Mikuo.

"Nice to meet ya, newbie!" She called enthusiastically. "My name's Cul! My baby bro is still in school, so if you ever met Luc, he'll be in the pitchloid area." Then she leaned in real close.

"Awwww, such a cutie!" She squealed, playing with his cheeks. The shock made him almost drop his boxes, but he was able to steady just in time.

"Cul, don't go scaring him off, now." Luka warned.

"Welp! Time for you to go now. At least you got to meet the awesome Cul! Luka steals my job half of the time..."

Luka rolled her eyes and got the door for Mikuo.

"How long have you been carrying those? Your arms are shaking." She observed. He simply shrugged and fixed the position.

"I'm afraid the last three floors have stairs and no elevator." She apologized, leading him to an elevator. "If you'd like me to carry one, I'll be glad to."

"I couldn't make you do that..." He answered softly, finally setting the boxes down. His arms felt like heaven...

Tired, he leaned against the wall and closed his eyes, counting each beep until it stopped.


He grabbed his boxes and followed Luka to the staircase, which was....... quite long...

Luka looked at Mikuo worriedly, but he shook it off and started climbing.

Up went the first set of stairs, and up went the second and the third. But then came the fourth...

Each two staircases were one floor. He had to lean against the wall for a minute, and Luka searched her purse for water, but to no success. He was able to muster the strength to go up the fourth and the fifth, but then when the sixth staircase came up, he collapsed on top of the boxes, wheezing and panting.

"I can take one or two..." Luka offered. He shook his head and looked up, head swimming.

"... Last one...?"

With a nod for confirmation, he picked up the boxes and slowly went up the last staircase, his legs shaking and about to give way. Luka stayed behind him the whole time, hand on his back and trying to help him by giving him support.

Finally, he put the last foot on the last step and set the boxes down, head pounding in pain and shaking as his body ached. Luka rubbed his back gently, telling him he did great and that she was proud of him. From there on, she carried the boxes while he carried his bag and got the door for him and everything.

"You have three roommates." She told him, putting the boxes down as he looked around in awe; it had its own kitchen, a dining room, living room, and four master bedrooms. "They'll be here later; most of the fanloids went out to lunch."

Mikuo nodded and checked the rooms; one was decorated red, one was decorated green, and one was decorated pink. So he took the last one and dropped his bag off first, admiring the spaciousness.

First, there was the bed; it wasn't too grand, wasn't too plain. There was a dresser and a walk-in closet (Which was huge, btw), a desk in the corner, and a vanity next to the bed. It had tons of make-up; duty of a Vocaloid, I guess; and a big cabinet for... something.

"The cabinet has every Vocaloid song in existence." Luka explained. "Utauloid, Vipperloid, Engloid... you name it. The vanity is, obviously, for make-up. You apply your own make-up, so for each song you can style yourself up for each one. That desk is for your own use; you can do whatever the hell you want with it."

Mikuo nodded at all this, going through the vanity and scanning all the make-up. Miku had taught him the basics; he figured he could go online and find out more about it or just wait.

He was actually quite fascinated by make-up. Sure, he was a bit disgusted by the fact that people were plastering mounds of... whatever it is on your face, but the fact that just a little bit could change your appearance made him go wild.

"Well, I guess that's really all. You can explore later on and talk to your roommates. And, you should really get some rest... that was a hard fight."

Mikuo nodded. "Thank you, sensei."

Luka nodded and gently pat his head before leaving.

Mikuo sighed and brought his boxes in, unpacking his stuff and then finally collapsing on his bed. He crawled under the covers and snuggled into the pillow, almost immediately falling asleep.


Luka had been downstairs for about two hours, and Cul had taken Defoko's seat, so the two were working in the same room. The door opened and in came three males; just the people she wanted to see.


"She said he would probably be sleeping..."

"Sleeping? Who does that shit in the middle of the day?"

"He DID carry boxes up the stairs, Akaito."

"Yeah, yeah. Just open the door and see if he's awake."

"Don't disturb him, please..."

A tall pinkette opened the door to Mikuo's room, peering in as a redhead and a greenette appeared beside him.

"Looks like he's sleeping." Luki announced quietly. The blanket was over Mikuo's head, so they couldn't see anything that might show his identification.

"Who is it?" Akaito asked, trying to push past. Luki held him back.

"Oi, let him be. Don't be waking him when you don't need to."

"Fine..." The hot head left to the kitchen, flopping on a stool. "I'm starving. Make something to eat."

Luki sighed and patted Gumo's head before going to do Akaito's bidding; he would be sorry if he didn't.

Gumo glanced around the room, then noticed that messenger bag. The blue one he loved so much, and smiled, already knowing who it was as he closed the door.

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