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Jisung knew that what he was doing was stupid. A bad idea, bad with each letter of the word. Every hair of his body was bristling, warning him about the fear he was feeling inside. Any and every instinct of him on alert, not wanting to move forward, but he kept going. It was duty, after all, to look after all living creature, to protect them and to give them an opportunity.

He tried to brush his fear away and put his subjective thoughts aside as he approached the guy. Walking slowly, almost as if he was doubting a lot about taking the next step. His mind imagining a bunch of wild scenarios with no good end, he was too young to be feeling such fear. He sighed, and nervously wiped the sweat from his hands on his jeans.

The black haired boy was sitting on one of the big roots of an old oak in the school's yard. His eyes were closed, looking like he was sleeping, but Jisung knew he wasn't. So far all he knew about the guy was that he'd just arrived at the institute and nobody wanted to go near him. They've been avoiding him the entire day, just because he was something nobody had ever seen before. When he first heard about the boy, he was completely amazed too. Who would think that the one and only nephalem, a hybrid between angel and demon, would assist to their school?

The story of his parents, Ariel and Aeshma, was well known. Used in their history books to teach about the cruelty of both the angels and demons. You would think that Angels would be loved, but they weren't. They were known for being haughty and egoist, a clan that didn't mix with any other. Meanwhile demons were feared, and considered monsters among monsters. Although both clans had something in common: the obedience of their laws. Whoever, from any side, that dared to break the laws, would be punished, or even sentences to death. And the one rule that no one ever dared to break before, was the mixing of both clans, it was considered blasphemous, and treason.

Nobody knew exactly how the boy's parents ended together, or further more falling in love with each other. But they did, and they ran away, trying to hide from their clans, something really hard to accomplish. However, they were found eventually, but nobody expected them to have a baby. A young kid, sleeping on Ariel's hands. Both Ariel and Aeshma were sentences to death for treason. And the young, innocent creature, despised by both angels and demons, considered an abomination, was condemned to grow alone and with nobody by his side.

Jisung knew this from beginning to end and backwards too, it wasn't an old success, it happened maybe a few years before he was born, and he was told the story countless times while growing up. He was glad he wasn't an angel, nor a demon. He was in the middle, right over humans, jut like every creature that was not angel, human or demon. They lived in peace, hidden from humans blinded eyes, and far from demons and angels' cruelty. He was a nymph, a guardian of nature and life, he could feel the sadness and sorrow of those living around him. And that's the reason why right now he was standing in front of the mysterious nephalem everybody feared.

"What do you want?"

The guy suddenly asked, startling him. He didn't move from his position, nor opened his eyes, but Jisung's heart started to beat faster.

"I just—"

"Seriously, if you're coming to bother me, I'd prefer you to just leave me alone" he interrupted him, finally opening his eyes and turning around to face Jisung.

Jisung sighed once again "No, no. I promise those aren't my intentions, not at all" Jisung quickly explained "I just came to see how you were."

His brown eyes stared at him for a few seconds before simple turning around and leaning on the tree again. Jisung didn't know how to react to this.

"I don't bite, I promise."

The guy said to him, after almost a minute of uncomfortably standing there. Jisung took this as a green light and sat on the root in front of him.

Nephalem [Minsung]Where stories live. Discover now