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I asked her for time to think.

Two days later, I gave my answer.

I say I like her back.

Took me a lot of effort of convincing to make her believe I do like her.


Something made my heart break every night.

Tears fell down from my eyes every night.

That something was the fact that I can't date her.

Oh why?

Cause we both are girls.

Too bad.


We continued our flirting for a while.


It stopped too soon.

Cause we both need to get over each other.

Made me sad like shit.

I hate how fucked up my life was.

My feelings for her are stronger than before.

I want to call her mine.

I want she to call me as hers.

I want to devour those lips like I own them.

I want to hug her thinking she mine.

I want to hold her hands so tightly that if I let her go she may disappear.

If she disappeares it would break my heart.

I want to shower her with love.

I want to prove that I love her more than I've loved anyone else.

So this is for her.

This is for you, babe.

I love you with my whole heart, babe.

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