Chapter 2

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“Ow.. fuck” A voice spoke from behind us. I jumped up, readying my pistol. I sighed with relief and set my arm down once I saw who it was. “Eddie.. are… are you okay?” I asked. He had his hand held over his side, blood staining his shirt. Eddie gave a grin through his clenched teeth, “I-- I’m fine.” Seamus walked over to our friend and moved his hand gently to see what happened. “Holy shit..” he mumbled. “Uh.. yeah. That fucker,” Eddie motioned his head to the body we had saw, “stabbed me and I had to.. I had to shoot him.” Leaves could be heard rustling in the background as me and James got ready to fight. A familiar happy face walked up and sat next to Eddie. “Holy Fuck! Cheffy!” I ran over and crouched in front of her, playing with her ears. “I can’t believe you found her! I thought we lost her after..” Seamus shot me a glare, signalling we don’t need to remember that. I sighed and nodded. Chef wagged her tail and licked my cheek. I smiled and stood up. I grabbed a rag from my back pocket and handed it to Eddie. He gave a smile as a thanks. Eddie grunted as he placed the rag over his wound.

“Okay we gotta head back and get you cleaned up.” James announced. We started walking as Chef followed behind, stopping every now and then to sniff the ground or the trees. We only ran into a couple of zombies on the way, but James took them out stealthily. Once arriving back at the warehouse the group rushed to the doors, meeting us. “What happened to Eddie?” Jordan questioned. “Shut up Jordan.” Seamus growled. “Uh.. What happened to him?” Kevin asked after. “He got stabbed.” James said as he helped Eddie over to an old tattered couch. Soon after Chef waddled through the door, her nails clicking on the hard gray floor as she made her way to us. “Holy shit Chef!” Steven chuckled, “S-.. She’s okay? Where’d you find her?” Eddie sighed and leaned back on the couch. “Uh.. She was back at the old place we  just left. Maybe she sniffed us out?” Steven shrugged and walked into what they were going to call their kitchen to organize their food. Nick saw this and walked over to help him.


I plopped down on the couch next to Eddie. “Eddie we were really worried. Why did you go back to the old place anyways?” I asked him, he smiled and took out a large hunting knife. “I left this under my pillow. My dad gave it to me before.. all this shit happened. I-.. It was the last time I saw him. I don’t even know if hes still…” He took a deep breath. “Anyways.. um.. Seamus did you clear all the zombies out? Sorry I wasn’t here to help.” Seamus turned his head towards us. “Oh. Yeah I got ‘em all. I think.” Dan walked out from the storage area with some medicine, a rag, peroxide, a needle, and thread. “Oh fuck..” Eddie groaned. “Do I really need stitches?” “Yeah, especially in a shit world like this. Don’t want it getting infected. Or you.” Dan said as he placed the supplies on the ground next to the couch. Eddie sighed as he slowly zipped down his bright orange hoodie, sliding his arms from the sleeves and setting it on the back of the couch.


~Story’s POV~


Eddie grabbed the bottom of his shirt, attempting to slide it over his head but stopped immediately as a sharp pain ran through his side. “Er.. here.. let me help..” Aleks said as he leaned over. Eddie put his arms up, trying to straighten them out as much as he could without stretching his side. Aleks slid Eddies’ shirt off carefully as Dan soaked the rag with the peroxide. “Okay uh… this might hurt. Are you ready?” Eddie nodded as he clenched his teeth, bracing himself. Eddie leaned over so the injured side was out. Dan placed the rag on the wound, slowly putting pressure on it. Eddie gripped onto Aleks’ shoulder and inhaled loudly through his teeth. “Ah, fuck!” He groaned out. (eheheh that sounds sexual. don't take it that way pls.) Dan took the rag off and placed it to the side. “Shit that might have been the easy part. Now for stitches…” Aleks held his hand out and Eddie gladly took it, squeezing it as tight as he could. “Uhh. I never.. really.. did this before.” Dan began to mumble. “Wait what the fuck did you say?” Eddie screamed. “It can’t be too hard, right..?”

*Discontinued* Last Men Standing (Creatures Zombie AU)Where stories live. Discover now