Chapter Two

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I'm Butch Jojo and I'm a Rowdyruff Boy Z. I was thrown out the window by my crush Kaoru Matsubara. I snuck in her room and kiss her because it I was dare by brothers to kiss Karou. It was definitely worth it because she kissed back.

I flew back home with a big smile on my face. "Yo green! How was it!" Brick said with a smirk on his face.

"Awesome she kissed back but minus cursing at and throwing me out the window!" I said and then lay on bed with a smile. I fell asleep and woke up when the idiot monkey Mojo woke me up for dinner.

"What we eating idiot  monkey!" I said then walk to the the table and sat down in a chair.

"Pasta!" The stupid monkey said and hand me a plate of pasta. I started to eat and when in was done I went back to my room. I went back to sleep, thinking about the kiss I shared with Karou.

I wake up and wake up my brothers Brick and Boomer. Brick have orange hair and dark red eyes and Boomer have blond hair and dark blue eyes. I have black hair and dark green eyes. Karou have the same hair color as me and her eyes are a lighter green. Miyako her friend have the same as Boomer but lighter blue eyes. Momoko her other friend have the same as Brick but lighter red eyes.

Me and my brothers got dress and head to school we go to school with Karou and her friends. I saw Karou walking to her locker slowly. I hug from behind making her jump and about to slap me but grabbed her hands and pin her to the lockers.

"No hitting me Karou!" I whisper in her ear.

"GET THE HELL AWAY FROM ME YOU BASTARD!!!!" She said as she struggles to get out my grip.

"Umm.... No!!" I said as my face got closer to hers.

Momoko and Miyako walk by us. "Hey Butch and Karou! I see you guys having a moment! So we leave you alone!" They both took turns talking and then they left leaving Karou pissed off, in my hands.

"I want a kiss!" I said and face getting closer.

"No!!! Leave me alone you rapes!!!!!!!!!" Karou yelled. With that kissed her hard. Karou struggle to get away. She eventually kisses me back I let go of her hands and pull away with a smile.

Karou just realized what happened and start to beat me up and the storm off angrily. I didn't care what happened to me but Karou will like me eventually. I get up and smiles and goes to class.

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