I Love You

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Gerard ran out of the house, running as far and as fast as he could before collapsing into a heap just at the edge of a dense forest. Quiet, heartbroken sobs shook his shoulders. Hed only just come home from work and head upstairs to see his wife Hayley. Nothing could have prepaired hom for that. And nothing could hurt him as deeply as seeing his beloved, beautiful wife...in bed with another man. Gerard knew hed have to go back, he had his kids to think of. But for now, he could hardly find the strength to sit up. He lay there for hours, his sobs slowly stopped amd he just stared into the darkness. Hayleys pleas were all he could think off. Shed tried to stop him, she cried and begged for him to listen. Hed tried as hard as he could, but the moment he turned to face her, everything inhim collapsed. So now, laying in the dark, Gee found himself back in the same place he was two years ago. Depressed and hateful. Death seemed to be the only way to end this pain. Hayley was his everything, he adored her. He wanted to scream, shake her and demand that she tell him why. Why did she do it? But Gee knew the answer, so did Hayley...he wasnt enough. He couldnt fullfil her sexual desires, he was to shy and he was too protective..he couldnt be what she needed. And it killed him. For the last twelve hours he hadnt moved, hed been ignoring his phone also. But on the last call, he answered. It was Hayley. Gee didnt let her talk, but with the next few words that escaped Gees lips, Hayley realised how wrong she was. 'I love you, my princess. And everything youve given me'. He picked up the gun that lay next to him and pressed it to his temple. His family was the last thing he thought of before he pulled the trigger. 'i..i love you too, my prince' Hayley sobbed, blaming herself. Shed never forgive herself for this.

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