In memory of the victims of the Theater Shooting in Colorado. May you all live forever in peace. Be your own hero in heaven.
The Dark Night
I REMEMBERED THE DAY Dad taught me something. He told me that I should be a hero whenever I get the chance to. That in any circumstances, I should think of the others; care for them. Save them if possible.
I failed it, anyway.
Blood was scattered on the dark theatre, everything that happened was hideously drastic. I lost my dad, and for sure, everyone inside it lost somebody, too.
I just closed my eyes, hoped that it was all a dream,. Unfortunately, everything that was happening really was happening.
It was crazy, just about forty minutes before the movie, dad and I were making our way to the theater. About thirty minutes ago, we were just finding the perfect spot for us to sit and relax. But in a second, in the middle of the movie, there was this guy covered with mask, somehow looked like the Joker, appeared in front of everybody. Everybody got entertained, knowing that it might just be a little show for the first showing in out town's theater, so instead of freaking out, everyone in the theatre, including dad and I, were cheering for him, our hands clapping into one another.
Though inside the theatre was dark, I could see all of them smiling, like they were all excited to see what that man would do next. Out of the blue, he picked up something from his pocket, which happened to be a smoke bomb. He threw it full force, and landed on a row in front of us.
And then there were gunshots. They were consistent, and the sound was... scary. Everybody's cheer turned into fearful screams. Girls were crying, people were shouting.
Dad whispered something into my ear, something like, "Son, get down, we'll figure a way out."
But everything was too late, smoke had covered the whole place, and it was impossible for each one of us to identify which one was which. I was holding my dad's hand, but I lost track of him when he pushed me to the corner and left.
"Stay here, daddy will try to seek for help!" He let go of my hands and placed me in a safe corner. He had left.
i was panicking, I didn't know what to do. In spite of the absence of my daddy, I just prayed he would be alright. That everyone would be alright.
The whole crowd went crazy, there were smoke everywhere, thousands of voices were screaming behind me, and countless of gunshots were shooting every second. The movie, The Dark Knight Rises, was still rolling on the theater screen, but everyone seemed to be ignoring it. Everyone was hysterical, and there was me, hiding in one corner.
It took sixteen long minutes until the shooting had stopped, fortunately, I was able to survive. My tears had already dried, and I was thankful to God that I was alright. The theater lights had opened, and what I saw next scared the soul out of me.
Blood covered the theater, about twenty people were lying on the floor, all seemed to be dead. Everything happened so fast, and I couldn't believe it happened in front of me. I searched for my dad, hoping that he also survived, unfortunately, I saw him lying down the floor, his body filled with blood.
My heart exploded inside me. I ran over, shaking his shoulders sympathetically.
"Daddy! Come on! Let's go to the hospital!" I cried. Dad still had his eye opened, and he was still breathing. I held his hand and kissed it, no one knows how much I love my dad.
"Son....I am sorry....I...Sorry." he panted out the words, and I knew those were going to be his last words. I was panicking, and it was killing me.
And then the medics came, placing dad on a stretcher. They took him, and I watched as they slowly walked away from me.
I looked around, tears streaming heavily down my face. Everyone else were crying over their loved ones. Their loved ones who were soon... gone.
Maybe if I didn't bug my dad to come with me, maybe I still have him by this time. Maybe if I didn't let go of him, I could still watch another movie with him. Maybe if... Maybe if Batman was real, none of this would ever happen.
Funny it is, fate has planned dad's life. I just hope everything would go well up there, I hope he's drinking some coffee together with the victims.
Dad is my hero. And I will be the hero of my own life, thanks to him.
It was crazy, I couldn't believe that everything happened in a flash, that everything happened inside a movie theater, while watching batman.
I sat outside the emergency room, staring at the stars.
I watched the night grew darker as I wait for the doctor's signal. Dear God, don't you think eight year olds are too young to see something like that? I whispered to the guy up there. As usual, there was no response. So all I waited for was the doctor.
Twelve thirty two in the midnight, the doctor had announced his death. Mom was sitting right next to me, crying. This shouldn't be happening. I hated to see mom hurting this much.
"I'm sorry, mom." I buried my face on her chest. "I should have saved daddy, I really should have."
Mom's cry went louder, and she was sobbing. She held me closer and hugged me the tighest I've ever been hugged. Together, we cried the pain away.
Everything happened too fast. Too fast that I almost even forgot what I was here for. Too fast that lives were wasted. I cannot blame myself. I cannot blame dad. But one thing's for sure, time will come that the guy in white mask will understand everything he has done.
It was a dark night. A very dark night.
May all the victims be happy in heaven. xox. Eunica.

The Dark Night
Short StoryThey were just trying to spend the night together as father and son. They were innocent, and so were the whole people inside the theater. They never saw it coming, it was fast, and it was terrible.