Can't Be Apart

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It's 6 PM and Tina just finished getting settled back into her dorm. This means I can finally be back in my own space, wear my own clothes, sleep in my own bed, shower in my own bathroom, eat my own food, waste my own money... but do I want all that back just like that?

I'm going to miss being around Onika all day everyday. I was serious when I told her I wanted her to stay with me, but I don't know if she will. I mean, why would she? She has her own dorm!

"You got all your stuff, right, baby?" Nika asks and I nod then go right back to pouting. "You're making this way harder on yourself and on me than it should be. I don't want you to go." She confesses and that's what it does it for me.

I set my stuff back down on her bed and pull her into the biggest and tightest hug, nuzzling my face in her neck. She smells amazing, like always. I could be wrapped up in her arms all day and still want more.

Why is this so hard? Maybe it's because I feel like once I'm back in my own dorm, what her and I have will no longer exist.

"How about I stay with you tonight until you fall asleep, Bey?" She mentions. I pull away from our embrace to look at her.

I smile and nod. "Perfect. Let's go then. I don't want to keep Tina waiting." I tell her as she goes over to her nightstand and grabs her phone and her room key.

We walk out of her room and make our way all the way down to the first floor until we make it to Tina's room. I knock.

"Give me a second!" We hear through the door and sure enough, not long after Tina opens the door.

I give her a small smile. "Oh, hey, Bey. Hey, Nicki. What's up? Come in." She says, moving to the side slightly. "No, it's okay. I just need a spare key for my room." I tell her and she nods.

"You lost your original copy?" She asks as she goes further into her dorm and stops by her nightstand as Nika and I stand by the door, looking in. "Well, no. I forgot it inside the day you left as I was on my way out so I've been having to stay with Nicki until now that I can get a new one." We all chuckle.

"Aw, man. Well, it's a good thing I'm here now then." Tina says and I laugh internally. It's not a good thing you're back, Tina! Go back to where you came from. I don't want my key back.

She walks back to the door and hands me the key. I give her a small smile and feel Nika link our hands together.

"Thank you so much! Have a goodnight." I tell her and she says the same back and her and Onika exchange a warm smile.

We begin walking back to my dorm, hand in hand.

"Can I still see you everyday?" I ask shyly. She chuckles and I feel her tighten her grip on my hand. "Of course, baby. We can eat lunch together and have sleepovers, do our homework together. You name it, we'll be doing it together." She replies, earning a wide grin from me. She makes me happy.

"Thank God. It's your turn to sleepover at mine now." I say. "Definitely." She says as we reach my dorm.

I unlock the door and sigh in relief once I push the door open and am welcomed with the sight of my cozy room. I missed it.

"Oh?" Onika asks. "Oh, please. That sigh of relief was..." I paused not even knowing where my sentence was going. "That sigh of relief was what?" She says and I laugh, walking over to the couch I have and setting everything I have down then I set my room key on my nightstand.

"You have a really nice, welcoming room. I like it. It's so... you." She chuckles.

I smirk, getting an idea. Her touch is so addictive and I can't help but feel like I need it right now. She eyes me suspiciously and I chuckle as I start stripping out of my clothes.

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