Strange signals

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Coming out of recharge I check over the vault to make sure everything is okay. God forbid anything happened cause if it did I don't know what I would do. Checking my radar I see some strange signals coming from a place called 'Jasper, Nevada '. I better go check it out and then I'll go find my team. I've picked up five signals from Lunarwarp,  Nitrocrusher, Triplecharger, Jackjumper, and Technical. Changing into my stealth vehicle mode I investigate the 'town'. Sporting this vehicle the 'people' call a 'semi-truck'. It seems like a good option to blend in and the vault could be shrunk to fit in the trailer. Scanning the vehicle, I head back to the warehouse. Shrinking the vault, I change in to the semi-truck I back up so the vault slides into the trailer. The drive to Jasper is long and takes awhile but it will be worth it to make sure it's not a decepticon. The area is what the people a.k.a. Humans call a 'desert'. I don't see many semi-trucks here but oh well. Slowly I drive through a 'neighborhood '. I see a black and yellow 'camero ' I know it's not normal but I can't tell if it's a deception or autobot. To be on the safe side I speed up. The camero starts up and follows. I hear over my radio "I'm in pursuit of a vehicle that is either a deception or autobot I can't tell" I speed up even more hearing more vehicles behind me. Suddenly a blue and red peter-built semi-truck pulls out in front of me. I stop as not to hit it.
Over my radio I hear "Follow us" Deciding a fight wouldn't be good I follow them to a clearing with no people, but there was a truck. They transform and I can tell they are autobots so I transform as well. I leave the trailer on the ground in between my pedes to keep it safe. Quickly doing an identification scan I find out the red and blue truck is Optimus Prime the leader of the autobots, the yellow and black camero is Bumblebee a scout, then the third one is Ironhide.

"Who are you?" Prime questions.

" Militia " I say without missing a beat.

"Why are you here? You a decepticon? Hmm?" Ironhide asks.

" Primus no! " I exclaim.

"Follow us to our base where we can talk more in private" Prime speaks again.

I nod to show I understand. They change back into their vehicular forms before leading me to their base.

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