Chapter 8

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Taehyung's Pov

It's the day after and I start to get ready for work. Jimin was at his job and Jungkook was being picked up by him. I grabbed everything and waited for Jimin to pick me up. He pulled up in his G-Wagon and honked his horn on purpose. "Come on Tae!" He yelped. I started laughing seeing him being weird.

"I get to be served by my boyfriend tonight." He tickled my neck. I chuckled and so did Jungkook. "That'll be nice. I've always looked foward to serving you two when I'm your boyfriend." Jimin smiles. "Can I get more brownies?" Jungkook asks peeking from the back seat. "Sure." Jimin and I say in unison.

We arrive at the shop and I go in and so does Jimin and Jungkook. Hoseok looks at me through the kitchen window. I ignore him and check in then go to the register. Jimin and Jungkook follows me to the register and I take their order. "Hey there cutie." Jimin smirks. "The usual but a with a tad of whip cream." He always had just plain coffee, with no sweeteners. I put the note on the window and Hoseok leaves the kitchen.

"Listen, Taehyung. I'm sorry." "Save it Hoseok. I've already told you countless times." "But I can't, I love you too much." I look over at Jimin who's playing with Jungkook outside on the patio. "Well..That's my boyfriend, not you. Now go take the order Hobi." I sass back and he keeps his eye contact until he's back in the kitchen.

Jimin and Jungkook received their order and went back to the patio. "I'll be waiting." Jimin says then smooches my cheek, leaving me flustered.

I went home that night and slept with Jimin. "Ah~ Jimin.." He was kissing my neck directly in my sweetspot. He stops abruptly and holds my waist. My phone kept vibrating on the night stand. "Is that Hoseok?" He questioned looking up at me. I got off his lap and grabbed my phone. Sure enough, it was. "God, is he obssessed with you or something?" Jimin asks out of frustration. "I guess so. But Jimin,I love you..not him." Jimin looks away sighing. I run my finger from his jawline to his chin, turning his head to me. "I love you Jimin. Just ignore him, please." I kiss him and he kisses me back, then begins to run his hands up my shirt. "I love you too Tae."
Jungkook's Pov

I went downstairs go grab a snack when I heard noise. It was coming from Jimin's bedroom. "Again?" I say to myself and shake my head. I grabbed my chip bag and then went back upstairs. I layed across my bed and started texting.

Kookie: They're doing it again..

Yoongi: Pfft, really?

Kookie: 😑 Yes, really. I can still hear the bed squeaking from upstairs.

Yoongi: That's hilarious!😂😂

Kookie: 😑😑😑😑

Yoongi: (Adds Hobi to chatroom)

Kookie: Who's Hobi?

Hobi: ? Yoongi wtf

Yoongi: His friend is having sex lol

Hobi: 😂😂 With who?

Kookie: Taehyung.

Hobi: Wait. What?

Yoongi: Wait..was I not supposed to add him to the chat?

Kookie: Dear god Yoongi you're so dumb.

Hobi: Where at?

Kookie: That's none of your business, handle it at your own time. Or better yet, don't because he loves Jimin, so don't spoil it for him again.

Yoongi: *Grabs popcorn*

Hobi: Actually it's none of your business. You don't even know Taehyung like I do.

Kookie: That doesn't mean you can keep harassing him dude. He's a friend of mine and it will stay that way, geez stop being so possessive.

Hobi: -Leaves Chatroom-

Yoongi: Oh shit.

Kookie: Yoongi, wtf?

Yoongi: I didn't know they still had beef Kookie. I thought it'll be over by now.😧

Kookie: I guess not.
Hoseok's Pov

The next day around the time of work I started walking to the shop like usual. As I was 4 blocks down, I saw Taehyung exiting an expensive vehicle with the two other men. I groan and look down. When I look up I saw Taehyung running to me. My heart skipped a beat.."Taehyung.." I reached my arms out to hug him and he ran past me to another guy behind me. Of course. The guy was tall and had brown hair. He had on a pink hoodie with blue jeans. "Jin!" He yelped as he jumped onto him. "Hey Taehyung." "How long will you be in town?" "For two days Tae." I continue walking not wanting to be in their conversation.

I head into the kitchen after checking in and start baking. Numb. I feel so numb.. As I trail off into my thoughts I hide my face into my hands. How could I be so stupid? Why did I confess to him immediately after he was accepted by Jimin? Jealousy? It was definitely jealousy. I just want Taehyung to myself.

Leaving my thoughts I noticed that Taehyung was sitting beside me. No one was at the store for some reason. "Hey Hoseok." He said, still looking down. "Hey..Taehyung." I replied looking at him. He looked over and hugged me. "I'm sorry for ignoring you Hobi.."

It's 7:30 at night and still no one turned up at the shop. Taehyung gets up and looks at the schedule. "Ah..Its Sunday. We close at five." He started laughing. I jump up and also look at the schedule. "'re right!" I started laughing along with him. We started turning off the lights, cleaning dishes and the shop, then locking doors. After that we sat outside on the patio.

"Hey, Hoseok. When did you start having feelings for me again?" He wanted me to tell him again? How odd.."I've always liked you. But I started loving you more when I saw someone taking you away." I reply hanging my head down. "Hoseok..we can still be friends. " He says and scoots closer to me. Taehyung looked me deep in the eye waiting for my response.

"You're really adorable. " I say without realizing I did. I jerk my head back, noticing what I said. "Thanks." He chuckles. His fingers start to trail around the cup he was drinking from as he looked up at me. "Hoseok, if it wasn't for Jimin. I might've dated you, but you're my best friend." I kept staring at his finger trailing around the cup. When he lifted his finger and leaned in. .

"Hoseok, please forgive me." He whispered in my ear then gazed into my eyes, pulling away. "I'm sorry for ignoring you Hoseok. You were just being really..possesive and I didn't know what else to do Hobi.." Taehyung was looking very sentimental. Without hesitation, I grabbed his hand and unlocked the store, then pulled him into the kitchen. "Taehyung, I'm truly sorry. We can still be friends but..can you help me?" I ask pointing downward.

Taehyung looks down and gasps a bit, his was also erected. No wonder why he was whispering and tracing his finger around that cup. I place Taehyung onto the counter and I start to kiss his lips. I wanted to endorse this moment while I can. Hearing his gasps and moans again was amazing His voice would get higher than he's normal pitch. His deep moans mixed with moans that peaked. "Hoseok~" he moans then grips my hair. He pulls me away then points to my tent in my pants.

"Well I'm going to go now. " I say hugging Taehyung. "Can we be better now?" I ask. He nods quickly and kissed me deeply. He really cares for me. He has his boyfriend that he's wanted for over a year and he yet still pleases me. "Sure. And.." He grips my hands. "Please don't scare me like that again Hoseok. I thought you were going to hurt me." "Aish..Im sorry about that Tae." I apologize looking away then rubbing his arm. He blushed and kissed me again. I then notice that there's hickeys on his neck. I can't help but growl at them. "Hoseok?" "Ah. Sorry, I-I'm just hungry." I chuckle. Jimin pulls up outside of the shop to get Taehyung. "There's your ride." "Oh." a smile grows onto his face. He truly loves Jimin. I sigh and fix my apron. "Text me Hoseok. " He says slowly letting go of my hand and exits the store.

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