"Hi, I'm Logan"

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I've always been known as the shy one, the creepy one, the one who hides his feelings. In high school, I slept around trying to fit in with the 'cool kids.' I grew older and got anxieties and more shy, as I found out what I was doing was wrong. I had issues back then and did things I still regret to this day.

I have a YouTube channel with around 2 million subscribers, it's not anything special like my friends Liza and David, but they respect me. I'm not too in tune with social media, but I have a pretty good following. Making the YouTube channel helped me get over the things I did and I became a little more open with myself and other people. Liza koshy and David Dobrik, basically my only friends other than my roommate, Lance. He uses his body for money as a stripper, always bringing girls over and doing drugs, and drinking. The only reason we're roommates is so we can split the rent. We don't talk much, I'm not allowed in his room, or allowed to touch his stuff. He doesn't like me, at all.

Dec 14, 2017

Tonight I'm going out with David and Liza to this dinner with a bunch of other content creators, I don't know any of them but Liza insisted I get out of the house and do something, so here I am.

As soon as we walk in I see a blonde boy with a plaid green jacket, he walks up to Liza and David to say hi. "Hey guys, it's been a while" he had his hands in his pockets, trying to act cool, I can tell. "It has Jake, how are you" Liza says sweetly, as usual. "I'm good" they talk a bit while we wait for our table. "This is Keith, he's kinda new to this stuff" I hear Liza say as I'm staring off into space. "Oh uh, h-hi" I stutter, embarrassed."What's up, I'm Jake" he says and gives me a million dollar smile. "I'm Keith" I smile back and shake his hand. The table is ready and the waiter leads the group to it. I sit down next to Liza when another blonde walks up. He sits across from Jake and pulls his phone out, as soon as he sets it down he greets the cute couple next to me, then he glances my way. He has blonde messy hair that goes well with his beige jacket, his glasses complementing his beautiful blue, diamond eyes with a sparkle and his perfect smile he gives me like a gift. This gift is worth more than anything, he's...beautiful. "Keith" Liza nudges my shoulder breaking me out of my trance. I look at her then back at him. "I'm Logan" the boy says and smiles. "I-I'm Keith" I stutter out nervously.

By the end of the night, Logan had followed me on my social media's and I followed him back. But the best part was, he asked for my number. I learned some things about him and he learned a bit about me. He has a really big following and was humble about it. He was so nice and- he's just amazing.

A month later Logan was in a bad place on the Internet. He went to Japan for New Years and made a huge mistake. Maybe the worst mistake he could have made.

The internet was a war zone against "Logan Paul" that I stayed off it. I enjoyed most, not all of his vlogs during this horrific time in his life, getting to know he has a bird named maverick and a dog named Kong. He lives in a huge house with two of his good friends and has- had it good. And that's why everything went wrong.

Good people deserve great things, but soon that comes back and bites you in the ass, with a breaking point in your life. I've been through it.
My phone buzzes with an alarming sound before it.


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