Chapter Two

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[Novaer] Oh what? we're live, well you should have told me that. Mhm looks like you wanted to read some more... I don't have anything to say here so enjoy.

When I hear the satisfying click of the heavy metal door behind my back I stride into the library throw a quick playful finger gun to the Librarian and she just rolled her eyes and laughed before mime zipping her lips about me being there and I go to hide in the fantasy section when instinct brings me over to where Lord of the Rings usual rests and I see that it's missing and feeling a sense of fatherly worry I speed walk over to the Librarian.

"Where is it?!" I demand from her and all I get is a shocked look from the young woman.

"Where is what? I'm so sorry I don't know what you're talking about." She said looking geniunly concerned about my demand. I take a deep breath in to calm like my therapist taught me how to.

"Lord of the Rings, Fellowship of the Rings. Where. Is. My. Baby." I say through gritted teeth although still calmer then before. she sighed.

"You've read those damned books more than anyone in this school has read any books combined. I think it's time you let go of this little obsession of yours." She told me like a stern mother experimenting with tough love.

"I've read other books... I just want to know my baby is in good hands." I say pleading, on the border of begging.

"I'm not telling you, you don't plan on watching over them when you leave here do you?"

"If I have too, you of all people know how much that series means to me. Please?" not being able to resist my charm she sighs and types on her computer for a second.

"It's some girl named Juliet Neave... she's in your grade. I've seen her in here she seems quite friendly, I think you guy would get along pretty well... maybe a bit too well." She chuckles a little and I blush but then my face gets steely and I break character and start to leave slowly walking to the first class of the day.

"Thanks." Was all I could get out being quite flustered at the idea of dating anyone. I stay that way when I hear the voice of the upstanding citizen Thomas the Tank Engine

"So you have been hiding in the libary? I've missed our morning play dates." He says all of this and all I can think is that he mispronounced Library.

"Look I know that you're denser than your mother's penis after seeing little Timmy bend over to pick up his sand pail but can you at least pronounce common words correctly before you fall down the steps one more time and have to be living with your dear ol Granny." I say all of this with a cool voice and with the Librarian 'not' hearing a word of it. His face starts to get red and I almost could hear the gears in his head turn to figure out every insult that was packed in that one sentence.

"You little fucktard..." he started only to be interupted by one of my favorite people at this moment.

"No cussing in my library." He looked confused and saw my smirk and he got an idea and he dragged me out of the library.

"Wow, astounding idea taking me out of the library, did it take you all of thirty seconds to figure that one out because if so, I'm proud of you because that's the fastest I've witnesses you think all four years we've had this emotionally fulfilling relationship." He just got more and more pissed before slamming me into a locker next to Juliet who jumped because she had earbuds in. "Small world ain't it?" I tell her before the shock wore off and before I was preoccupied with something else, which was a bit less intellectually filling.

"Do you ever shut up?" he asked between breaking my nose and all his new furniture.

"Yes but before we do can you at least take me out to dinner first?" At this point Juliet made the smart decision to run and I felt him drop me before giving me a couple kick in the gut, which was nice because last time Mrs Diaphragm felt left out.

"Guess not." He left me to finish  my painting request the tile floor had requested and right before taking a quick nap through English I thought I saw Juliet run over to me but I shrugged it off as wishful thinking.

I woke up feeling like a rats ass being dragged to the nurses office by the librarian with a little help from someone else but I didn't recognize from the back. When I made it I was lifted onto the bed that I had left for a while.

"W-well l-looks like I couldn't keep a-away f-f-from y-you." I struggled out weakly to the all to familiar hospital bed. The nurse glance over to the mess I was in and sighed, quite rudely might I add, and she started looking over her notes.

"Been a while Y/N, Thomas finally find your hiding place?" She asked while going over to the phone to phone the hospital again.

"Yeah, who would've thunk it huh. I thought he never walked into the library." and more to myself "considering he can't even pronounce it." I say being able to breathe again if only a little better.

"S-so you know this is g-going on? Why d-don't you do anything a-a-about it?! You just let h-h-him beat on Y-Y/N like t-this?!" The person who dragged me here said who I figured out was Juliet through my keen detective skills.

"Calm yourself. I'm okay see? And you can tell the hospital I'm fine, I can't afford to take that 'free' ride to the hospital and sleep on that slab of granite they call a bed." I accentuate my point by standing up and attempting to walk but ending up stumbling over to the tissues to cough into dying them a dark, very dark, pink.

"T-then j-j-just g-g-get your p-par-rents to p-pay." She says quite confused.

"You're hilarious, but I've got to get to class so bye." I stumble on to English for first period only fashionably late.

"Mr. L/N, would you like to explain to the class why you decided that you're too important to show up on time to English." My English teacher asks me, she never quite liked me, probably because I never paid attention but still got everything right.

"Why yes Ms. Fox, you see I had a little run in with one of our esteemed students which landed me in our five star service that the nurse provides, round of applause for her am I right?" I tell my classmates and start clapping which gets everyone in class to clap along with me, at least the ones who were still awake. I do this all before I take my seat in the back with plenty of breathing room considering the empty desks all around me.

When my first few classes were over I went to lunch. I found my spot in the back pretty empty so I decided to take it and the one other couple that wanted to feel each other really bad decided to find a more secluded spot and I just shrugged before laughing to myself quite depressed. I looked over to the lunch line and saw that the lunch ladies were running out and pulled down a fire alarm. I calmly got up when I felt the entire school grumble about having to leave class before they heard the announcement that it was a real fire, then they all ran past me as I calmly walked out and sat on my bus in my spot looking out waiting to get home quite disappointed. While I sulked looking through the glass I noticed something at the edge of the forest, I felt it was looking at me and I just shivered. I stared at it, my fixation the only thing stopping me from napping on the short trip home.

[Novaer] so it turns out I've got at least one person reading this because they added it to a list or some shit but whatever, vote on who you want to fuck in real life but can't because they don't exist, and this is my personality put on this character but the gender is wrong but I found this little sub genre hilarious so I threw my hat in, I can do some x female reader if you guys want but remember to vote and share guys and  I'm sorry for taking so long to update but i'll work on the next chapter and it might come out later tonight but who knows.

Male reader x (one) Female CreepypastaWhere stories live. Discover now