Ghosts in the Halls part 2

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(hey guts I'm so sorry I haven't updated my dad took my phone and I haven't been able to update, but where is your chapter? Here. 5. 01k Reads guys!! Yay!!)


I watched in horror as Ciel hit the floor with a sharp thwack, the sound of his head hitting the floor echoed the room. "Father stop!!" I shouted inside my own head, unable to move my own lips on my own body.

Father was in control.

He chuckled, and his voice came from my lips. "Stop? Why? I am giving you love, a life! Before... You end."

I was confused, and asked what he meant but he said nothing. "Shush sweety, daddy will take care of everything." he said calmly, making me pass out in my own mind.

Ciel POV :

I woke up on a chair. Ropes linked my arms and legs together as I glanced around the room. Taking in my surroundings, I realized (y/n) was not here nor was Sebastian.

A deep voice echoed the room. "Hello Ciel."

I looked up, squinting in the darkness and trying to see well. (y/n)'s eyes stood out among the dark colors of the ceiling.

I gasped as she dropped from the ceiling. "(y/n)? Are you ok?"

She didn't answer.

"I said I have a story for you. Listen closely, or she won't survive." I widened my eyes. "Who are you? What have you done with (y/n)?!" I shouted. She smiled.

"She is in good hands. But shush and listen. Now, I am going to tell you something, and after I will give her back to you.

She is... Special. Her mother was special. For many years, her bloodline was at the top. But it all started many many years ago.

Her great great grandmother was the twin of the queen of heaven. They were inseparable, but their father thought otherwise, and kicked her out of  heaven. She birthed a child, and as the child grew, she grew stronger. The child went to heaven in search if revenge for her mother, but instead found that her aunt was gone and her daughter had taken the throne. She snuck in, and became a metal worker for the Royal family. She crafted many things, but her favorite was a wand she made from the center of a star.

As the years passed, the metal worker passed her job to her daughter, and that one passed to her daughter, and the next would have been (y/n). But prophecy had other plans.

Her mother had seen something in (y/n) that frightened her, so she attempted to hide her. The court made Angons illegal to track down (y/n), and it worked.

They sent her here to figure out whether or not she would grow stronger, or if she would crumble.

She grew.

She is too powerful to live, and they are coming for her.

I am taking her powers, but not all. She will be a ghost of they can't track her..

I'm keeping her safe and I know you want that too. So please, keep her in the dark until I talk with the court to leave her alone.

I will be watching."

And she fell limp to the floor, with Sebastian walking in and untying me.

"That was her father." he said.

"The wand he was talking about?" I asked.

He looked at me and picked (y/n) up. "She is destined to destroy all humans. Luckily, she can't."

"Why not?"


The wand was stolen."



There is your chapter!!

I love you all,  and I'll see you next time!! Byeeeeeeeeeeeeeee my MARSHMALLOWZ!!!

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