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"What is it babe?" I ask getting nervous. Sawyer looks at me, his face pale and worried. Adym looks worried too. "Babe you're scaring me." I say. "Come sit down September." Sawyer says. I nod and go sit down by Adym. Adym takes my hand and says "I'm so sorry September." "What is it Adym what happened?! Is it josh?!" "No baby it's your dad. There was an accident and he's in the hospital in critical condition." I feel my heart drop. It doesn't matter how awful he's been to me he's my dad. And he's hurt. I can't lose him too. I've lost so much. I start to cry and Adym pulls my to his chest. I cry and cry as Adym holds me and rubs my back. "I know baby I'm sorry." He says. "September I'm so sorry for everything I've done to you. I hope you can forgive me and we can start over." Sawyer says. I just keep crying until I have no more tears left. I stay curled up in Adym's arms until I doze off. I wake up to the door bell ringing. I'm still in Adym's arms. I lift my head and he gives me a kiss. Sawyer opens the door and says "the pizzas here." We eat in silence before I say "I need to go see my dad." "I know baby" Adym says. "Where is he?" "He is at a hospital about 3 hours away from here." "Well I want you to come with me. And sawyer too." "Okay babe. We can pack and spend a few days there." "I need to see josh too. Can we spend a day with josh on the way back?" "Yea of course babe". We pack and get in the Jeep. Adym drives and sawyer sits with Pablo in the back. When we get to the hospital I check in right away. Adym comes in with me but sawyer has to stay with Pablo. We head up to my dad, who's awake. "September is that you?" He says hoarsely. "Yes dad, it's me." I sit by his bed and take his hand in mine. "I'm so sorry September. For everything. I want to adopt Josh when I get out of here." "Dad really?!" I say smiling. "Yes baby. I did you so wrong and almost losing my life made me want to fix things." "What even happened dad?" "Another trucker fell asleep and was gonna hit a car with a family in it. They would've died. I sped up and took the impact for them. They performed emergency surgery on me as soon as I got here and I should make a full recovery. I'm not sure what it was but something impaled me. If it had been a few inches over the doctor said it would have pierced my lung. I was very lucky." "You're a hero dad. I'm so proud of you. I need you to know that I'm with Adym now and I will be moving in with him now that I'm 18." "That's fine baby girl I expected it. Just be careful, and come visit me next door." "I will. I love you dad." "I love you too." "I'll be back later today. We're gonna go get dinner. Do you need anything?" "No." Adym and I leave hand in hand. When we get down the hallway I say "he's gonna adopt josh. I'm going to have my brother back." Adym stops and looks at me before hugging me and saying "I'm so happy for you."

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