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"So, let me get this straight," Sam Wilson started, his eyes narrowed as he looked out at the rest of the superheroes that were gathered in the briefing room. "This girl, she fought with you all in New York?"

Steve and Natasha shared a look as they both glanced at the picture that was displayed on the holographic table in front of them all. Watching as the footage played slowly, Natasha felt a soft smile fall into place on her lips as she watched what had been one of her closest friends punch the man in the suit in the face.

"Yeah," Steve murmured, his eyes soft as he too watched the video with a fondness that Sam wasn't expecting to have seen in the man's eyes about someone that had never been mentioned to him. "She kind of surprised us all, really. Good kid, hence why she vanished."

Natasha nodded in agreement as she flipped to the next video to demonstrate why the blonde girl had even been able to help them in the New York fight. Sam felt his eyebrows almost fly off his head from how high he raised them as he watched what the two were talking about.

"Is that...?" He trailed off, thinking that his eyes were playing tricks on his mind as he tried to process what he had just seen the girl do.

"Sunlight?" A new voice entered the room, causing the new Avenger team to spin around and look at the man who was sauntering in through the doors of their new base. Under his arm was a thick file and even with his sunglasses on the team could tell that he was tired from a lack of sleep. "The purest energy source ever? Yeah, that's it."

The newer members of the Avengers found themselves a little taken back by his appearance. While the man was always making quirky jokes to hide his true feelings, they could tell by his anxious traits that he was really worried about the girl that the team were introducing her to. She was young, only just having turned 20. Sam reckoned that she must have been only a teenager when she had helped them fight in the Manhattan battle.

"Tony," Steve spoke, his voice softer than how he would usually address the man. The philanthropist was retired from this line of work and from the team, but the guilt that he harboured from her sudden disappearance had been keeping him up at night for a long time now. "I didn't think you would come."

The billionaire scoffed, pushing the sunglasses up his face to rest in his hair. He smiled almost sarcastically as he dropped the heavy file on to the table in front of them all as he plopped himself down in one of the chairs.

"Well, when it's your fault someone went missing it takes a toll on you."

There was a short silence as Natasha, Tony and Steve all looked at each other, verbally disagreeing on whose fault it had been that the girl had taken off. Wanda, Vision, Sam and Rhodey all shared confused looks at whatever was happening in front of them. Wanda was the first to reach forward, opening the manila folder and looking at the various printed photos that rested inside. Spreading them across the table, Wanda couldn't help but notice just why she presumed the blonde girl had fled the team.

"Is that...?" Sam trailed off, his finger hovering over a specific photo.

"Ultron? Yup," Tony said casually, his bitterness about the whole situation shining through. He could feel the heavy stare from Wanda that was now resting on him but he didn't have the motivation to even make a snarky comment about it.

"Bruce and Tony weren't the only ones that worked on bringing Ultron - and indirectly Vision - into existence," Natasha informed the rest of the team, lifting another photo and passing it around.

"Bruce and I found ourselves stumped when trying to figure out the best and most efficient way to power Ultron," Tony began to explain before he held the photo up for the rest of them to see. The blonde girl had her hand directed at a large black panel, the beam of sunlight directed directly into it.

"Solar power," Rhodey noted, familiar with the energy provider. Tony nodded as his friend guessed it right.

"After Ultron was...born..." Steve took a second to figure out the right term, "she fled. We were so used to making and owning our mistakes that we forgot she was so young and vulnerable."

Wanda looked up from the photos, taking a keen interest in the girl. There was something about her that she seemed to resonate with. No family, no friends, a feeling of hopelessness? Yeah, that she could relate to. It had only been a short period of time since her brother had died where they had once lived, and she still felt an empty void in her chest as she thought about him. The rest of the team had taken her under their wings but it wasn't the same. Pietro had really been her platonic soulmate. They had been born together, taught together and even had their DNA altered together - and now she was completely alone in an unfamiliar country doing unfamiliar things.

Looking back to the holographic video of the sunlight shooting from the girl, Wanda found herself wanting to know more about her. Where she had been, who she had been, who she was now. The determination in her eyes that masked the fear that Wanda was so skilled at noticing was something that influenced her to probe deeper into what they were calling their new mission.

"This girl, where is she now?" Wanda asked, finally breaking her silence and allowing her interest to peak through. Not noticing the glance that Natasha and Steve shared, Wanda continued to flick through some of the photos of the girl that the team had on file. Ones of her training, ones of her just relaxing, ones of her in action; they had it all.

"We've had a flagged sighting of her in London," Natasha informed them, passing out individual sheets about sightings and warnings of her powers. Tony looked up at this information, surprised that they hadn't told him sooner that they were one step closer to finally finding her.

Looking over the file, Wanda narrowed her eyes as she found that it was missing one vital piece of information. Sure, it seemed to show the girl's alias when she was on duty but there was something much more personal missing.

"What's her name?"

This time, Tony also joined in with the shared look between the original Avengers. Wanda wasn't sure why they were all looking at each other with a glint in their eyes but she just presumed it was down to having perviously known the girl. Little did Wanda know that this was something the three had hoped would happen.

It had been Natasha's idea - like most of their good ideas seemed to be. After spending a lot of time with Clint and his family, Natasha had noted that little Lila had enjoyed making new friends at a daycare group that Laura had been testing out. Natasha had realised that maybe the best thing to not only get Wanda out of her shell but also to make her happier could potentially come in the form of a friend.

Steve had pointed out that the idea opened the possibility to kill two birds with one stone. They already had the perfect person that Wanda would be able to team up with, the only problem was that she was currently unknown and MIA.

Tony smiled as he realised that their plan was falling into place. Not only were they going to be able to bring her home, but the team was going to finally fall perfectly into place. They had made many mistakes over the years, but bringing her home was the start of a path to fix everything.

"Her name? Scottie Casey," Tony softly murmured as the grin spread across his lips. "I cannot wait for you to meet her."

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