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"Come on Scottie, you can do better than that," Steve pushed her on, edging her to stand back up and try once more. The blonde simply grunted in response, clenching her teeth as she pushed herself up from the floor with the bones in her body aching.

Clenching her fists slightly as she raised them in front of her, she eyed the man as he lightly jumped from the balls of his feet side to side as he waited for her to signal that she was ready to continue their sparring. It didn't help her pride to know that on what was one of her worst training sessions ever that all of the SHIELD recruits were watching from the viewing gallery at the side of the large open plan gym. Maria had asked for permission from herself and Steve, saying that it would give them more motivation if they had the chance to watch two of the original seven Avengers train and therefore because Natasha was never one for public displays, Tony and Clint were enjoying their 'retirement' time and Thor and Bruce were still absent, it fell on her and Steve to carry the mantle.

The girl nodded slightly, allowing the man to continue to fall back into their training drill. This was a strictly no powers training session, hence why the recruits were allowed to witness them fight as it was what they would be getting trained up to do soon enough. Ducking under a swing that was aimed at the side of her head, Scottie mimicked a move that Natasha had shown her the night before, dropping to her knees and swiping Steve's legs out from underneath him.

Smirking as the man fell on to his back, Scottie let out a victorious smile as she stopped focusing on the exercise at hand to cast a cocky smile at the super solider who had propped himself up on his elbows to look at her. Just before she could allow a bragging comment to fall from her lips, she felt her body go flying through the small area and hit off one of the walls.

Groaning as her mind swam slightly from the ringing in her ears, she clutched her stomach with her hand as she tried to push herself up. Her eyesight was blurred and she could faintly make out a curse falling from someone's lips in the background of the loud ringing.

"Shit, Scottie, I didn't mean to hit you that hard!" Sam yelled out, having jogged over to her instantly after he had flew into the training room without paying attention to the girl and man sparring on the mats. He had challenged Vision to a speed match, not realising that the room was being used for an extra training session until he had flew in at 60mph and smacked her off her feet with his left wing.

Steve had jumped to his feet as he moved towards where Sam was advancing to the girl that was still lying on the ground groaning. Just as he went to jog over too, he noticed the slight rise in temperature that his advanced senses could pick up. The hairs on the back of his neck stood up as his eyes travelled down to the girl's arm to notice the bright orange glow that was forming quickly on her palm that was resting against the floor.

It happened too quickly, just as he lunged to pull his friend away from the enhanced girl on the ground Sam had reached out and placed a hand on her back. The man didn't know the girl well enough to had second thought the action - but he certainly would in the future if he ever accidentally almost knocked her out.

The second his palm came into contact with her, Scottie's fight or flight instinct kicked in. Her red-hot palm sprung from the floor, grabbing on to the man's wrist tightly. Watching with little emotion as he screamed out in agony and fell to his knees at the deep burn that had sprouted on his wrist from her iron-like grip, Scottie didn't even notice what she was doing until she felt two arms wrap around her and pull her off the man.

It seemed like there was no noise as Scottie began to regain her control and realise what was going on. She could feel Wanda's hands on her face as she was pushed back into the wall, the Sokovian girl trying to force her to snap out of it and look her in the eyes as she held her back from the man who was on the ground and screaming in pain at the third degree burn that had formed on his arm.

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