Chapter four

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The whole third day went exceedingly fast well that was until I remembered that I needed to check my potion and put in the last two ingredients. 

I pushed myself up from the long Slytherin house table and walked out of the great hall, as soon as I was out I broke into a sprint to get back to the dorm room. 

I rushed up from the common room and into my dorm, undid the spell on the potion to conceal it and locked my door. 

I added the two ingredients that were left over, silverweed and tube worm, and waved my wand over the top of the cauldron. 

The potion turned a fluorescent purple, in my mind I heard it saying that this was the colour it should be. I filled ten phials with the potion and all that was left was the residue of the ingredients. 

I made the cauldron clean and put it away the took one of the phials in my hand and crept from my room, locking the door and putting a silencing charm on myself so I wouldn't be heard walking around the school. 

I walked along the first floor corridors and turned into the bathroom entrance. 

I lifted the phial to my lips, five minutes, once a week, great this was going to take forever.

The purple liquid slid down my throat giving it a burning feeling, I swallowed and walked over to the stalls where Myrtle goes down every day. Pipes, just pipes were in the first stall, I looked on the walls above the furthest toilet, nothing, just the classroom next door. 

I saw the class getting a wall in front of it and then all I could see was the wall, it had already warn off. Dammit. 

This was going to be a whole lot harder than I thought it would be. 

So there is nothing below or behind the furthest stall and wall from the entrance. Next week Ill be looking at the second stall from the wall, the the week after the third, then the fourth, then the sinks. 

This was turning into a right mission. A hard one two. 

A whole week later at nine thirty I was once again sitting on the floor of the bathroom, I quickly drank the phial and turned straight to the second stall, looking beyond the toilet and in the walls, to only find nothing again and once agin the potion started to wear off.

This was getting annoying.

Where is the fricken Chamber. 

And for me to get in I needed to know parseltongue which which I'm pretty positive I don't know, well I need to go find a snake to see, and if I cant I need to be in a place that I can apparate out of, cause Im not going to use my wand to get rid of it. If I can talk to the snake once it makes it easier to call upon the language again.

I moved back to my room and thought about what to do.

How was I going to do this.

Week three, here we go.

I swallowed the potion and looked at the third toilet, this was Myrtle's toilet.

I looked down the toilet and saw pipes, grimy and then a sleeping Myrtle, beyond the wall was nothing again.

This was actually so frustrating and I was completely thinking of giving up on this and going back to actually having a life.

I mean after I stood up to Pansy she has made it a thing to bully me as much as possible, but at the moment I just haven't been biting back and she thinks shes winning but oh shes not, but the whole fact that Im not doing much is because of this.

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